Sunday, January 16, 2005

I've been reading about Tunisia.

Interesting culture. I found the it reminscent of Mombasa, simply by viewing their resort type pictures.

The shopping looks interesting, yet dealing with bargaining would be irritating in my opinion. This item sounded cool: "authentic Berber bracelets" or leather jewelry. If you remember Dad, can you pick me up one - one of the cheapest ones and most simple in design - no gautyness.

Apparently some get very elaborate with silver and other things woven into them. Like I said though, the cheapest ones would be neat enough for me ;)

My dad, the world traveler! (Mom are you going though?)

Tonight we watched the Colts lose. And we were only able to catch the highlights of the LeBron game. No visual of Matt, but Gramps thought he caught a glimpse of Matteo - only if he's was wearing a red shirt though! HA!

Tomorrow! NO SCHOOL! Have a good day everyone!


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