Monday, August 30, 2004

School, go, go, go, spazy tennis practice, coaches meeting, more spazyness, and I'm home!


It's getting out of hand --but at least tomorrow it has a point: meaning that we actually have a tennis match! (and I get to blow off 2 classes of teaching!)

It was getting old practicing for 12 straight in a row:) But so completely, and utterly amazing how FAST these kids have picked up this game of tennis. Easy sport to learn--and yet I have surprised myself at the tennis knowledge I actually gained from college and playing in general.

Good to catch up on blogs tonight, I know that sounds dorky, but literally reading blogs is something I looked forward to!

Oh Kim, I meant to write last blog about your comment on church/religiousity, etc. It is really sweet to be with and have fellowship with those who love the Lord!

So cool, that the Lord had a plan of more than one person on earth, we get to have millions of people! To fellowship with! And I consider blogs fellowship too! YAH!

Meeting with the Fellowship of Christian Athlete teenagers yesterday was radically refreshing! God uses littles, olds, and any age to speak to us! Nice!

I'm gonna check out Sacred Marriage with Case as well *thanks for the mention Kim.

Well, can't wait to hear about Price is Right from Trace and Michelle---thanks for updating me Matt!

Time to go check out 28 Days on the movie channel tonight!


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