Friday, September 03, 2004

The past two days I've rushed through my day spazzy and avoiding kids quizzical looks and ponderings about what's wrong with me. "Are you like hyper or something Mrs. Sanford?" Or "Did you have a lot of sugar or something?".

Your basic avoidance of student questions as I scurry out the door to yet ANOTHER tennis match. There are/were 4 this week, not including one tomorrow morning.

Leave time 6:30 a.m.

It will be sweet though! We're going to the coast! San Luis Obispo where Pismo Beach is (a place where all Chowchilla folk go for sand duning/camping, and whatnot vacation time.)

PLUS THE OCEAN! I wish all the kids had rides home (4 of 8 do) so that I could go and just sit on the beach.

Anyways, tonight we won against a shady, bad tennis ettiquette team named Fowler.

At least it was a million times better than Thursday night. On another side of carnival type shadyness, let's just say "the Chowchilla way" of doing things lots of times is QUITE ridiculous. And with an "ettiquete sport" like tennis, ...

IT WAS JUST FLAT OUT WRONG!(and pointless to explain here)

I caught Snow Patrol on Letterman last night, randomly after being a late night napper and waking up to it. Then just now I read your note on blog Matt!

Hope dad is watching the snailia mailia! I just picked up a couple little things for ya! Hope you can use or will like a bit of it at least :) Wish it was a Land Rover Defender from England on it's way over the ocean :(

Hope to talk with some of my fam this long weekend just to catch up and of course birthday wishings! Check ya for now!


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