Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday the day of all days, is OVER! WOO!

Whatta productive one that was! Practice, pizza, meetings!

Tomorrow we have a big game against horse women, round two! Wish us good thoughts and victory!

So, dad, I ordered you a cool shirt and gramps a crew sweatshirt. If anyone else wants a short sleeve, long sleeve, or sweatshirt that says Chowchilla Basketball let me know. Wasn't sure if anyone wanted in on that cheesyness, just let me know via email and I'll hook you up with hilarity!

Well, actually that's your birthday presents this year Justin, Mike, and mom! HAAAHAAHHAHAHHA! Jk.

But really, what have you all had your eye on? Justin, would it be okay if send home Mike's with you on spring break? It'll just be a new G8 megapixaled laptop 276 inch flat screen/laptop that's he's been wanting. I figure you can fit that in your purse. Not that you have a purse!

So, I've finally gotten Gwen Stefani's new album, only it's not what you would positively think about Itunes downloading...!

One of my students ripped it for me b/c I was whining about Itunes not working:

"Well, I guess I've payed for it anyways...yeah! Burn it for me!"

It's a little too hip hoppy, 80's-esque/Chinese and Indian sounding. It's nice to have music and I'll enjoy it in certain moods. I only wish noone else knew or liked them b/c mainstream is annoying. Well, I'm talking about just my MTV generation teenybopper students on that. UGH!

I cannot stand Ashlee Simpson. Although I sometimes sing her songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!

Speaking of other music, Dad I'm still reviewing that cd you sent me! Thanks again!

Well, I got my glasses today. They are normal and good to wear with only me in the room.

What else, could these words bore you with: I GOT UP AND RAN A MILE THIS MORNING! As with eating, supposedly working out within an hour of wake up, does the body good. Well, from experience last weekend I would say that's super harsh to me after sleeping 12+ hours in past noon.

Last night: we went to Panda Express and then to the neighboring Barnes and Noble. I got a super cool "correspondence kit" to share with my buddy Brook? Does she read this? If so, I have spoiled it ;(

Other than that, Casey got a novel called Murder on the Iditarod Trail, and I got a huge photo-journal book of Alaska for $3.75. Cool!

Ta-ta, apples and chocolate to all (I mean between me and myself) ! ;)

p.s. Matt I wasn't aware that Tupac was in Digital Underground, or I guess maybe just under their label (?) I learned that from a student's "Musical Poet". Back in the day Digital Underground! Back in the day.


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