Great Fiction tunes, laundry, and packing going! Ahh, the pre-trip anticipation. It's not to BG, Cinque Terre, Greece, a beach, San Diego, or with family....but....I'll take it!
Tomorrow skip school and bball time for 3 days. Novelty wear off by Sat. afternoon?.....will go hide and watch Lady in the Water on the iPod and read and write - escape to my thoughts then. Hopeful on that one, b/c it always gets so distracting and busy and tiring on these little trips.
Pan's Labyrinth Thoughts: it impresses, it disturbs, it lingers in my head. I would like to see it again.
Dad I found your following comments to be intriguing and relevant to my thoughts on religion (enlightened by the movie) - where is the creativity in exploring Him besides once in a while movies? While we're on earth why not let it, allow it, accept it (Him, the Truth) to be powerful, interesting, and impacting in all things!?!
From Bruce thoughts: "Our models tend to be preachers whose only mode is retelling the Biblical story over and over in the same genres but with no added value, no cultural awareness, no verbal or visual style. This is to say they are not like Jesus, who took the OT themes and reimagined them, reenergized them, and then extended them into new images and perceptions about God's kingdom."
And: " the current status (being persecuted b/c of Him) something we have earned by righteous living or have defaulted to because of our easy reliance on a watered down message that keeps us content, but the world hungry."
complacency is disturbing to me, in me, in the religious culture...
Other Thoughts:
Dogs are well and good and fluffy. What would you name your dog Matt and Tracey?
Got some fun pictures of our nephew Brady today via snail mail.
It's bad that I, and so many, think putting premade cookie dough on a pan and cooking them is "baking" :( Gone are the days of "from scratch" with Joan. So sad :( I do consider myself baking literate though, and yet so admittedly opposite in real food literacy. Did Justin see Mary prepare any such food delve while here? I think not!
I must go! My eyes are screamingly fried from submitting the Houston Times high school newspaper online after 4 straight hours of school and after school perfections! Have a great weekend!
"..obedience...." is a good word in Great Fiction's "Sweet Obedience".