Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Musical chair scooting butt.

That's what I envisioned last night on the mount of olives in Mosesembique style conversation with el Lord.

Picture that! Picture musical chairs and then the music stops. Butts quickly scoot in on the limitedchairs (some violently).

That's how I am with the "driver's seat"! ARGH! And hilarious!

Move over Lord! I'm here. I call you later. :( :)

Random thought and thoughts today, gotta go to Wasilla....

Wish I could write more.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

FREE WIRELESS AVAILABLE at the Willow Library and even in the parking lot! WOOOOOOO!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

A Cedar Point sunrise today (reflection from Tuesday this week though). Slinking clear sky, slight clouds, nice, cool, and promising sunshine. Promising a good day of fun, rides, food, walking, friends.

Good old Cedar Point! I remember it as all that, but lately, in more recent years, as a neck breaker and jolter of bodily bones. Oh well, the Millenium is straight up and straight down coolness at least in such a post-college age.

On such a sun topic, it rises over the trees of my classroom left windows and continues shining through all sets of windows, and even past the school day's timing. I'm on the sun side of the school building which proves very important to happy mood improvements, especially in December.

This morning I was caught off guard and oh so pleasantly delighted in Lewis' words on church denominations and guilt; all this via bruceblog. Good and deep thoughts by Jack Handy on that.

And what do I find to my surpise, WORDS FROM JOAN! YES! Now we can all have a good weekend, since the foreign parents are thriving in words of their trip. Thanks!

This weekend we are keeping it low key and enjoyable at home with rest, meals, house/land work, dogs, reading, and maybe some rented movies. (Trace, I picked up a Maeve Binchy book at school yesterday and started it!)

Casey's bday on Tuesday! The big 3 - 0 !!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dad this was funny: "... Antonio Banderas. But that was me that thought that after i saw his hair in Zorro."

Looking at 2004's Great Britain trip pictures Sunday, I love to think of Pret a Manger. Good to hear you're visiting there this week too parents! Please tell me how much a meal there is if you can recall when you return.

Most distrubing statement today:"Boy is the POUND killing the DOLLAR here. . . make sure you UK travelers remember than a Happy Meal in England is about $10.00 now!" NOOooooo!!!!!!

The past 2 weeks, I've been enjoying open gym style bball, but alas it has come to an end by my choice, quote, unquote. The varsity coach is odd (we'll leave it at that), and the team(s) don't really want to be good. So why shall I put time in, and enjoy it more than them?

Hmm...simply for the love of the game. Sure.

Sounds dumb on my behalf? I don't (and do know) why I take it to heart and there's more boringness to explain pointlessly....

however.......let's move on and enjoy house and home and dogs and time with Casey! Long trip this summer/will miss them all!

Take care parents abroad! p.s. Michelle good to read up!

Monday, April 17, 2006

An ice fishing pic:

The other one(s) were acting rude, so I couldn't post them. Have a good week!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

We just got back from ice fishing and I am here (the plib - pubic library, better than other abbreviations) printing off a deviled eggs recipe.

Tomorrow we shall celebrate the Risen! with a "sunrise service" on top of our Hatcher Pass mountain at a place called North Star Bible Camp. There will be singing, a short message, and a huge breakfast!

Then we'll go to our neighbor buddies (older coach friend who lives around the corner) for Easter lunch! NICE! Let's give him a name now, so I don't have to keep describing him 23/7 (23 b/c of hour change, hahahahhaha!)

His name is Doran! Woo! Casey's best fishing buddy and soon to be hunting, cabin building, gardening, and everything else Alaskan buddy.

Last night, I joined in on a church's youth fellowship night where my awesome older lady pal (her daughter on my team) was going to teach "beading" traditional Indian arts (she's 1/2 Crow Indian from a Montana reservation).

I tell all this b/c it was and is such a good weekend! The sun is shining, the ice and snow are melting, and people are so nice. God has really surrounded us with some good, good people. He is up to something.

That's my new train of thought, "He is up to something. Allow it!" YES!

What He's been up to lately in me is showing me how to love people for real. Beyond the curtain of sin, of facade, of personality, of He really sees us! WHOLE! SPRIRIT! NEW! HIS!

NICE! Ice fishing pictures to be posted Monday at school where I fake work at our inservice! It was so awesome fishing and I called Gramps during to motivate him to viz. Also gabbed with Mike on frisbie golf!

A frisbie golf Willow, Alaska. You know it! Some day!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Justin buy something that ends up being $3.11 and give them a five. McDonald's happened like that for me today.

(today's first entry below)

Matt and Tracey, watch the snail.


Hey all, see pics? See pics!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"facial expressions can be an artform"

I realize in theater/plays of course, but the thought of that in real life is awesome! Non-verbal language and how people carry themselves, etc, that's an interesting study to me.

"like truth and love, art can be found anywhere...I look to tell stories, captivate people, maybe challenge their imagination a little." - J interview

CHALLENGE AWAY! Get rid of Hollywood! Get rid of Baliwood! Or better yet, exploit them both, take their money, use them!

Talking to a bball parent the other night, we were discussing "church going" and whatnots and she impressed me with how she doesn't care where she goes to church or what Bible study when, or how she gets fed, she goes to love people.

AWESOME! I like that. I embrace that concept.

Bruce and Joan I caught an old Cranberries song this morning on the commute with moose and bears. It's entitled, "Untitled" and the line goes...

"I am anticipating a trip to Africa,
how I have always been waiting
far too long.
I'm not going to soundcheck....
(musical interlude)

Mike's song is better, but still! Safari it up with your friends you parents!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tell me something, someone, sometime...

Can you see the pic below? My school net blocks photos for some reason.....

If so, more to come! YES!

p.s. current word blog available below pic attempt

"How many of you here care about poor people?" and before they even raise their 5 year old hands, the lady yells, "CORRECT ANSWER!"

Awesome! That was a line from Millions that struck me hilarious yesterday in my Cinema class.

Lately, days are going by with feelings of "huh, what day is it?" But yesterday was sweet with some bball! Open gym, love it! Always!

38 days of school till summer! Count it down with me friends!

The parents are in Aff living it up! And that's awesome! And I like this line from dad's blog:

"Where Tanzania seems asleep, Kenya seems to be awake all night."


"(who would buy a coatrack on the road: “Hey, look, just what I have been waiting for, a metal cotarack, we have to stop.”)."

I'm all caught up on blogs and it was a good time!

Well, now the class is blabbing after the counselor has finished the "scheduling for next year talk". So I suppose I shall get some Romeo and Juliet half schmo lessons going on for 15 of these last minutes.

Just a little glimpse into my minutes here! Enjoy your Wednesday!

p.s. THE 1156 HOUSE IS OUT OF CONTROL ROLLING! WOW! WOW! WOW! YAHOOOOOOoooOOOO!!!!I love those pics Mike! I set one as my desktop here at school! Fun!

Friday, April 07, 2006

The weekend is here!

And so are the bears!

People, the bears are coming out of hibernation!

Seriously, and okay feelings about it? Most outdoorsymen and women are getting ready to go up to higher altitude cabins for bear hunting, and consistently I ask,

"Oh, they're coming out?"

"Yeah, oh yeah, they'll all be coming out of hibernation in the next week or two." And one student saw one way up on the side of the mountain that she lives near, via telescope I presume.

Lots of snow melting and sunshineyness is back! WOO! Yet, the thaw brings out the animals. Oh and by the way, I got to see a big moose butt trotting up the side of the roadside yesterday. Have I mentioned that it's light *really* light outside till about 9:45 PM?

Well, I'm waiting in line secretly at this library here to borrow some dvds, but the lady is not understanding our normal societal existence of lining up and expecting to check out items in a timely manner. So I'll blog! HA!

Excuse me, queue up, not line up. Let's get some British Isle talk going on.

I'M FEELIN' THIS SUMMER TRIP! AND SUMMER COUNTDOWN GETTING INTO THE 30s in day count on my classroom white board.

Gotta go, hope to chat with you all later! Enjoy the WEEKEND!

Monday, April 03, 2006

The confidence, the talent, the sincerity, the audience appreciation--it all added up to a great feast, for the ear and the heart. – a great quote on the show last week - from:Bruce

~~~~~see below for Monday's ramble~~~~

more house reports Joan!

Well, now that it is officially late afternoon 5 pm and my brain is fried....

Here's a blog!

Right now it is snowing like crazy! PUKE! It has been unbelievable springy and sunshiney that this can only bring to mind anger. Oh well.

Thursday is our bball banquet and I am not ready for it. Actually it, April, just sort of happened! And only 9 more weeks of school, 4 of which are only 4 day that?

April! 2 birthdays to be aware of, reminder to self: Joan, 7th and Casey, 25th.

With the time change I stayed up way to late enjoying our two back rooms, organizing the office, and things to hang up. We hung up a total 3 (large) items on the wall and just those three items have made the house seem more settled and complete. Homey. Homeyness.

Not too much else will be going up, except some outdoor scene paintings of largeness. Alaska scenes, lodge style. The kind of framed pic that is at the bottom of a long, long "get for the house" list. HA!

Hope your Mondays were swell! And if they weren't, good thing they are over!