Thursday, April 29, 2004

The Chowchilla Arch! A palm tree'd gateway to the pseudo ocean!

There used to be a large arch looking into downtown Chowchilla. And (mom) guess what, it burnt down, that's why it's not there. Man I wish it was still here though. But then again I don't wish I was living with it back in 1934.

Nerdily I did some research at the library today and online tonight. Chowchilla was almost named "Lone Oak". Remember that for future reference in my books!

Justin do I owe you the rights to using pseudo? Yeah I should. You know you should start doing fund raisers dudes. Go to Sam's and buy candy bars and then sell them for even 50 cents. Ask local businesses to let you sell them out front.

By the way, HOORAY FOR JUSTY! HE IS WELL! Praise Jesus! Take a shot of chlorophyll everybody! hahahahahhahahaha

Fundraising...even better. Next school year I will do this and sell to my kids all year round. I will be upfront that it is to raise money for "The Young Producers/Actors Guild de Pseudobook"

They'll think it's from around here b/c I put "de Pseudobook". That's part Spanish (no mock intended).

Anyways Mom (or anyone extremely bored and nerdy with history) here's a website about Chowchilla history, if you have any of that free time that you don't have :) and

Jenny Mavis! You go girl with the blog! You know our buddyhood is certainly not based on whether or not a snail mail snails it way to each other! Woo! So happy for blogging from you!

Well, Bob Barker it is! Casemeister has been warned! Michelle and Ryan (and Hannah) have taken one for the team!

Chicago reunioners UNITE!

Kim Miles! You must report on how your 10 year goes! Wow! BGHS 10 years! I think that would be so fun, yet weird. Have you seen any of those weird reality High School Reunion sitcoms?

Also, I have been praying for the Hawaiian girl to win American Idol. As if my 1,036 votes last week weren't enough. I'll shall build up the strength again to do it this week too. just josh waley'in ya. Wait, do people remember Josh Waley?!?

Just teasing ya Kim. I for really think the Hawaiian is cool and good. Super glad step child John whoever is gone (as matt calls red heads). He was too odd voiced and funny faced not enjoyable.

We will now thank Casey Sanford for making American Idol a part of this house!

Here's something funny we're doing for spring homecoming (not sure why they have 3 homecomings in one year?!?!)

They are auctioning teachers off as maids/butlers. Kids can throw money into a silent auction to buy a teacher for the week. Which really means we are suppose to help them with their homework, and they get to dress us up in clown or monster or other funny costumes each day of the week.

We'll see about this! I'm doing it, OF COURSE!, but Casey has bowed out much to the shagrin of having a husband and wife team needed for Spring Pep Rally games!

Fine Casey I will have to compete in front of the whole school with some stranger teacher as my partner. HA! Well, not a stranger though. This will be fun!

Off to IPOD mix until (stupid) Jimmy Kimmel Live (can't stand him or Adam Corolla) only watching b/c of totally radical Snow Patrol on as musical guest! YES!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The team did it! We beat Coalinga yesterday who was "In second place..." Oh did you beat DP (Dos Palos) I say to the chick from Coalinga..."Who? DP, oh yeah, yeah (like duh easily)!"

Whatever lady, now you're sittin' duck at 3rd or quadruple way tied for 2nd or whatever. HA! YEAH! So we're 4-4 in the league, 3rd place for sure, until we beat the number one team ONCE AND FOR ALL next Tuesday.

Wish I could say something to that effect of my Fantasy League Chowchilla Blimps? (last always, UGH! Even with all of Justin's help).

I plan to have a good Thursday and Friday with some starters---come on now!

Ahh Wednesday, the night for tv, sort of. King of Queens at 9 p.m. and maybe a sprinkle of the OC pointlessly hooked a bit. Other than that, I'm squandering time pleasantly with another No. 1 Detective Agency book, Tears of the Giraffe.

It's very enjoyable, and I'm up to about reading 2 days of make up "Bible in 9 months" reading plan. Good stuff, Moses stuff right now, and Mark from the New Testament.

Peace peeps.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

I'm mad at that news Justin!

I will fast with you. But without the colonoscopy part, so sorry.


We saw Walking Tall today, and it was actually pretty good. A good little story, but really short ---well like 70 minutes.

As for the birthday boy talk,

I got Case abunch of cool books (like a "how to harmonica" book---see comment below!) and a couple random Cabela's items of clothing. It was a nice little bday to kick-off our no spending world of the next 12 months. Yeah, yes, that.

Eyes on the goal of a house. Must remember that.

I guess it's still April people, seem long to anyone else? All I know is that we get 2 days off for the fair in 2 & 1/2 weeks, YES! looks like Bocifus can't deal with a harmonica noise. He's all wimpering scared or concerned. Lord grant us patience till he's 1 year's old or something less ridiculous. :)

And WOW to the IPOD prez Matteo! Good one!

:) cheerio all yous

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Right now, I'm thinking for sure with Pinback theming Encinitas chill time!

I wish I could spur of the moment Snow Patrol it to a May 8 SD venue.

Anyways, very pumped about England and all the traveling this summer! Mike you might be on the exact same trails as us, at the exact same times this summer! OH MY!

Here's our plan, maybe we could hang out a day or two (or anyone else, Matt & T?):

(June 6-10 to San Diego, Casey to NorCal for kayaking and rafting with bro/dad)
June 13-17 to Crater Lake, Oregon
June 17-21 to a place 1 hour from Crater in Oregon
June 21-26 or more to the southern/central Oregon Coast
June 26-30 northern Oregon coast
June 30-July 4 Yellowstone/every Cabela's store on the way home/Mt. Rushmore
July 8 or 10 ish at home


July 30 home!

Kim Miles! What are some cool places you went to while you were in England? Fancy bottoms type places huh?! HA,ha! :)

Well, we're having yummy soup and homemade french fries for din-din. And tomorrow is Casey's big 2-8!

We'll go to a movie (not sure which) and hit up Tahoe Joe's!

p.s. not sure if anyone called but so sorry it was online all day and we didn't even want it on.

p.s.s. MICHELLE! OH MY, NO, NO, NO! to us missing the visit. And did you and/or trace catch the teacher's PRIMETIME edition Price is Right!? Salute to teachers! You could have said you were a mothering teacher type or something. HA!

other shout out: dad I really liked your "Look to the Skies" talk. I printed it. Also, if anyone ever wants me to print off their entire blog (not in color though), I will secretly do that taking advantage of the school! HA!

Thursday, April 22, 2004

The negative bound blog here: skip down to the nice blog for happier thoughts, but def don't end with this negative blog.

Bo literally tore up about a foot of our linolium (sp?) tonight. We're thinking it'll be about $200 plus to fix it, and will avoid the landlord finding out till next spring....right, right. THIS STINKS!

Right now it's one of those reflective, yet negative moods. You know, where you think inspirationally, big. Like God wants us too.

Dreams, big ideas, wants. Nah, none of those are mine. God gave them, and He's calling them out of me this mood.

There's things you just feel so strongly about doing, pursuing, it's hard to be patient.

I drove through Chowchilla 3 times today. One for Krispy Donuts, one for practice, and one for pizza.

Looking around, it was ugh and disgust. For one, I can't stand staring people - and I'll leave it at that. Roaring motorcylces & semi-trucks constantly by our house, stupid people who don't care about anyone else but themselves.

But mostly it's just so weird to live here. Point?

What's the point of Chowchilla, California? Anyone? Doesn't matter what we conclude, God knows.


Well, we're on a 12 month mission to save one whole person's paycheck each month.

There's England, there's Oregon, there's a Sanford dad and bro viz for Case, and an Encinitas for me + that SD couple.

but then there's nothing overexhuberant money wise. I hate money :) Why must our lives hinge on it!??!!?

I miss that lilac bush and putting a bowl of used cereal milk in the 1040 sink. I miss sitting on a porch, anywhere. I miss running and stretching (physically), both of those A LOT. My family, man, yeah. I miss easy, Ohio days. And in all that, how might the fire refine?

And it's not like I want any of that back.

I must stop this rant, so sorry, don't let it make you sassy too. You know I was born in Kansas and that's Sasnak backwards?

The nicer blog:

So, Friday it is tomorrow! And nothing it is this weekend. Looking forward to that.

However, it is Casey's bday Sunday. We'll look for something low-key.

5 Mondays of school, 6 games, 9 practices left PEOPLE!

Today I won a really cool (and cheesy) "envelope/greeting card" holding box. I won it in a drawing at school for teachers. Hilarious and great. It came with 26 cards and envelopes + a calendar book for recording impt. events all valued over $50.

That's right!

I'm craving a big clean and clear table now. You know to write several cards and letters on and create something.

side bar: Michelle and Tracey, I'm not getting from England and back east till August 4 or so. And school is the 11th. Perhaps a quick get to of LA where I'll meet cha for Bob Barker? Talk to me here, I'd like to solidify, but don't rearrange anything on my behalf.

"I turn around, and walk back to my home" Hurley by Pinback

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

After today, I have 5 DAYS and 10 HOURS left to teach this year.

Due to my mathmatical skills of summer obsession, you may notice a weirdness to it still being April.

But alas my reader friend, you simply have to multiply those 5 days by 24 hours, and WAHLA!, the magic of ready for summer thinking!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

"Pop, you should work for Hallmark!", one of my players said tonight about my retarded "team signs".

And in my mind oogling out of my head, I'M LIKE, YES, EXACTLY! I WOULD LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TOO!

Looks like a lot of teacher's are looking to transfer schools for next year. Due to higher pay at other schools, some are moving on to Oregon and other whatnots. Some are pursuing family time.

We however, will duke it out for one more full year (as I keep reminding myself :) )

I'm diggin' Summertime by The Fire Theft

The Passion.

Whoa. Wow.

The brutal beating was hard to watch.

I'm glad I saw it though. Overall it was really good, and I would like to see it again. I wish they had more scenes or flashbacks from his time with the people and his disciples.

The scene with the prositute Mary and her stoning was really good. I think they could of have more connection with Jesus to the guy who was "forced" to help him carry the cross---but I guess that might be too fictional.

The Romans were ruthless. Man.

More later. Standarized tests going on, typing is too loud. We play at Sierra High School today. We get a bus, YES! No stressful driving in the mts. I can IPOD it the whole hour up and back. :)

p.s. MIKE! really awesome "I'm up late" blog. AWESOME!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Just back from Railroad Flat camping! It was gorgeous again with the rushing, rapidy water running right by our site. The Wild and Scenic Merced River! So cool!

For mom and dad who know, picture our campsite and then picture the first one set in the back that we almost took---not sure if you remember---we got this one.

There were people at every campsite, and that was weird, but we were 100 yards away from them luckily.

Nothing major went down. Just relaxing, reading, a little hiking, and grilling things to eat :) I slept A LOT!



Hey, Matt I'm really into Pinback.

Have a great rest of squeezing out the weekend this Sunday evening :) Safe travels Trace, and parents if you're still in Pitt.

I'm off to see The Passion (finally), after just finishing Genesis and Matthew (for those of you on the 9 month plan). The reading is going well. I like eating the Word.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm thinking Tracey has a pretty good handle on her music hobby.

Not that she doesn't research and have her own opinion of music, but it's that she is companion to Matt who is amazing at finding, researching, enjoying, and becoming one with "GOOD" music.

The whole fam has a knack for the muzak hobby and sharing, but I was just realizing how right off the bat Trace gets such a huge double force exposure to the rock-n-roll hobby that Matt brings in so easily.

Just thinking silly today. Happy Wednes to the blog readers & writers out there!

Monday, April 12, 2004

"If it looks like it works and it feels like it works then it works." From Wow - Snow Patrol

coco goes to maui...

There was work this morning. Rejuvinated last week, I feel/felt ready. But my body said, NOOOooooooo! So I slept from 6-10 p.m. just now :)

Life's a whole lot better when you're well soundtracked through it. There's nothing more refreshing than new music to mumble along to all day long. (well there is the refreshment of the ocean, the Lord, a piece of coconut pie surprisingly, catching a wave, --all in all these are top of the line in life)

My job the last 3 days has been to listen to Snow Patrol and Stellastarr* on rotation and repeat 24/7!

This music makes me think of the ocean and dreaming.

Speaking of, I have successfully (well almost) talked Casey into going to the coast for camping in a couple weeks. Not to mention, Tracey (and hopefully Mateo), and I will be wine-ing and dine-ing our way down the cliffs of the San Elijo campground for some camping and ocean excitement June 8thish!


Before we know it, it will next fall and we'll be squeezing in a bunch of little trips, and even flying up to Anchorage to explore job and home options. WOOOO!

"I'll run away with you
We can build a gold mine
We'll cross the Sahara child
Yes I'll be the truth for you." - Stellastarr

Saturday, April 10, 2004

"Can passenger Bo report to Gate 46 for your flight to Boston?"-- this just in over the LAX airport terminal voice.

Gabbed with the 3 hour layed-over parentals and they had that funny tidbit of Bo hilarity.

No wonder Bo has been so quiet tonight....he's in BOSTON!!?!?!


There's lotsa newness to talk of:

1.New White Tea and Ginger Bath and Body lotion. Enjoyable smell, different, and will do.

2.New Snow Patrol that I decisively said I'm getting into for immediate enjoyment and cohesiveness to Mateo and Tracey's recommendations. "Chocolate" and "Wow" are right off the bat, but only my 3rd time thru the cd, and there's so much more good in it.

3.New stationary, post cards, and quill fountain pen with green ink. How rude to collect and collect cool stationary and never use it. Some of pen pals are super overdue for snail mail. P.s. more people need to prioritize snail mail, for it brings such joy to both the sender and sendee.

4.Wait a minute, "Run" is now my into song of Snow. I really needed a reflective mellow piece of music to calm the spaze of end of the year. This song reminds me of a sunset/dusk hovering over Encinitas campground cliffs.

Enough numbering up there, my parents were sent off today at the Freno (FAT airport call #'s) around 6 p.m.

It was sad to see them leave. I still think, "why?". Why do we all live so far away? But we live and grow and love still so thoroughly through the internet. As commonplace as some blogs seem, they are never to me.

And when we visit it is super sweet and appreciative. I wonder what it'll be like when the next generation of Edwards and Sanford's come around, and if they'll see their grandparents or cousins very much?

I plan to, but time goes on and travelling with a family is expensive. Why overthink this right now. Let the future be the future, or think of some other random quote that means nothing to replace that one.

Live in the now man.


This week has been a renewing of priorities. Family. Alaska. Writing. Sitting and being. How much longer can Chowchilla suffocate us in simplicity. It's like you can't even breathe to dream. But it's all seeping out right now.

Log cabins.

Quiet evenings on a porch writing and living settled. I'm tired of living on edge, "are we gonna move?", "what are we doing here?"...

Uht! I'm always grouded in the true me when the fam strolls around. Thank you for that!

I'm off to search for more birthday presents for the husband. Bo is the best!


Friday, April 09, 2004

Just waking up on a Friday of Spring Break. Ahhh, it's noon now and the padres are back with In-n-Out burgers, YUM YUM CHOP!

Here's some random thoughts:

I started reading the "Bible in 9 months" with the chart Justin forwarded me. I'm 8 days behind b/c April is out of control flying by. But every night I am reading about 2 days on the schedule to catch up. I love it so far. Thank you Lord for you Word.

The other day I watched Buck Rogers a bit with dad and mom, and I loved it. So 70s simplistic, soap opera. I want to watch it again. On so many shows these days your brain hurts from analyzing and figuring it out----I need more veg considering teaching requires the latter.

p.s. Dad just came home with a "3 episode" DVD of I Love Lucy from the dollar store. Very cool!

Also, dad, got me real excited about doing "lesson plans" for his Narnia teacher's companion book. Even if I don't get to do this, I would like to try my hand at lesson plan books in general. B/c being a teach I know what stupid books are and what good ones are. i.e. the ones that just blab and blab and do not give reproducible wksts. And also, ones that don't offer different games and ways of making it more fun.

Well, you don't often see a teachers blog coming out of my keyboard do you? That's cool.

I have 9 games, and 13 practices left :)

I REALLY WANT TO HIT BOB BARKER AGAIN THIS SUMMER WITH MICHELLE AND TRACEY. I will see if Casey's "marine" sis can get a gang of people too, so we'll be guaranteed admission with 25+ people.

We're just hanging out today and tomorrow. Bruce and Joan do not leave till 6 P.M. tomorrow, so it will be more relaxing to send them off ;)

And Tracey, you have no idea how sore I was. You know my "I'm fine" claim the night before?

Well, that came back to haunt me morning after morning. I would be getting up each following day, and stretching became increasingly an abundance of OUCH, OOOH, WHAT IN THE WORLD~?!?! thoughts every time.

IN CONCLUSION,I want to listen to Nellie McKay tonight while challenging the house to a Ping Pong Tournament, maybe watch Basic or Rundown (we watched Radio last night---it was touching and an "okay" story).

Thursday, April 08, 2004

What to eat? That is the question.

Currently, the Chow gang is slobbing around recovering from our night of camping.

We returned from the mountains around 3 p.m. today.

It was actually in the "Wild and Scenic Merced River" (in the larger foothills) where we camped a beautiful, flowing river rapid campsite. I, for one loved it so much.

Bo on the other hand loved 400 million times more than any human. We almost got attacked by a real live, ready to strike rattling, rattle snake. NO JOKE!

Very cool, very surreal and very protected by Bocifus Sanford. We were trotting along hiking this cool trail all along the river (it was an old railroad path), and BLAMO!

Bo is hippity hopping toward something frantically. We all caught Bo doing this and immediately put the rattling noise and Bo's actions together. Casey ahead by 5 feet turns back and yells, "BO!".

At that time Dad and Mom and I were just barely glancing at it and continued to slo-mo'ly shimmey on by it. It was one of those super slow and long seconds in life.

Right when Case yelled for Bo, Bo hopped back and ran back to Case, knowing full well how close he and all of us had come to a dangerous hospital visit!

More to come, we are all so HUNGRY!

Monday, April 05, 2004

Dear Mike and Justin,

Where've you been? You were suppose to pull an all nighter and crash our Chow party!?

Anyways, my team lost AGAIN today, and we are now 3-14. Disgusting. Too bad. Such a weird mix of kiddie personalities, it's a wonder we got those 3 wins. We're trying to mesh, yes we're trying to mess.

So the padres are here and its pure fun. Wait a minute, I'm totally into this new music by Nellie McKay. She's hilariously lyric'ed with the "Doris Day to Eminem" comparison from some mag review.

I'm thinking the Eminem is more like, Dr. Evil's rap. Awesome though, Trace you should have ripped it before you left, you might enjoy.

Matt and Trace were here for 3 days'ish and that was sweet. Crowded and Bo-ful, but sweet. I especially loved the wiffle ball and tennis. YES!

We had some great food last night prepared by mom and Case. Fresh caught salmon from the ocean, caught at 4 a.m. by Casey, then smoked and eaten by us all.

You can't beat that, and some Wyder's too! Mmmm.

Well, everyone is recovering from a fun night with Matt and Tracey, and today Casey and I had to coach this morning. More to come...