Saturday, November 25, 2006

Saw Borat tonight ....

Enjoyable, yet wish I would have seen Stranger Than Fiction - if at least to boost my fantasy movie mogul team. By the way I'm secretly into that movie league. It's fun to follow the movies and makes me more aware of movies forthcoming.

But not heads up enough to go to For Your Consideration today! COME ON! Probably not in Anchorage yet though maybe. Did anyone end up seeing it? Wondering how your evals would go.

Anyways, Borat was funny in most odd parts, but I must say I like his Da Ali G alter ego better - the tv show though, not his feature film - too raunchy movie wise as opposed to allowance on tv.

And so we are settled back into the house with the James Bond marathon still going strong on the tv - good relaxing background times. By settling in, yes it is just that, every time we come home. A process. Although enjoyable it still is one.

Plug the truck into an electrical outlet (what you didn't know we had to do this or our truck won't start?) Get the dogs out and in and fed and out and in and then in for good. Unload anything and everything from the truck b/c the next day they will be icicles - like cds or even a cell phone - oh what?

In other news, Bo tries to sleep on our couch now after we've been asleep for hours. I can picture him slinking up there oh so steadily, or in one fell swoop even, trying not to scrap the leather with his large paws. Only to have it ruined by Casey who gets up to keep the fire going - in necessity unless we want to pay more for propane heat.

"Hey......Bo get down from there. heh, heh....get down!"

He is quite a large man dog by now, I mentioned in last blog? Just large in stature. Older. 21 dog years now. And yet, for sure his still baby, worrying nature would whistle the Home Owner's Association out of the crevaces of the San Diego housing development at West Point Loma in a heartbeat even today. Such an opposite contrast to Storm's fun loving, care free spinning approach to walls and friends - slide, crash, weeeeeee!

By the way dog or cat owner(s) get a free Christmas Pet Stocking at Pet Zoo just for being a member this week! hhahahhahahahhaha! I know I've never heard of Pet Zoo either, until this state.

Okeedoekee, have a good rest of the long weekend! No, it is not over yet. Positive thoughts. Positive perspective - weekend forever!!!!!!!

p.s. Dad my journalism class has to read a 5Ws wkst. time to time (at 6th grade reading level :( but still good journalistic format. And on the last one they had to list 3 words that rhyme with pig, and then 3 words that rhyme with dog. It was hilarious as I hear them murmuring to each other, "Do we really have to think of 3 words that rhyme with pig and dog?" hahahahahaha

I forgot that was on the worksheet whilst I keeled over laughing - I mean picking up my dropped pen behind my desk. Does anyone remember a Queen Pig Dog Mary signature from my college email? I barely do but it was real. Very real.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksturkeytime! Great food up north here a'la Casey's preparations!

Lots of lounging and yet today we went to check out 140 acres a half hour more north of our already northedness. Casey has gotten the passion, dream building, searching movement for more land than our seemingly measley 5 acres. We hope to pursue this in 2-3 years in wait of back taxes and better deal making on our current house.

A true log cabin! That is the goal! Besides lots of land!

Anchorage tomorrow to see Borat with Wendy and Phil - teacher friends who own that condo!

Here's a stretchy Bo man dog sized, and lounging, playful brat Storm!

p.s. Dad this is the last picture I got before my camera batteries went dead! It really did get to -23 though :( :) :)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Back from Anchorage!

We had a good day and a half lounging at our friends condo (they're not there until Turkey - teachers way out west/north islands!). And we picked up some goodness for the Thanksgiving day meal at costco.

Casey had a second round of treadmill tests and we'll wait till Mon- Wednesday'ish for results of artery/heart stuff. Hope and pray for positive of course. He is feeling better and has been at school. It may be a hidal (sp?) hernia....? which is way better than heart and other. p.s. round one of treadmill tests Thursday were all good.

On to other upbeat news: BRUCE EDWARDS WON THE DEGREE GAME!!!!!

I took a funny but shakey and too blurry picture at 5:45 A.M. of the -23 degree weather! He guessed -18 as opposed to Emily's great participation and guess of -8 (do I know you?, jk, cool to see a comment :) Picture wasn't worth posting.

Bruce watch the mail for your prize!

I am so looking forward to this coming week-- aren't we all? Only 3 days of school and then break, break, break! Will lounge entirely! And then basketball starts after the holiday. Looking forward to the sport, the players, the season.

HAPPY BDAY (belated on this blog) TRACEY!!!!!! Hope you *snickerdoodled a good tasting time! um? Gotcha!

Welp, tired time to my brain! Bye bye for now!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A 2 Blogs in One Day Day!

The past couple weeks I’ve been *truly (more on purpose) embracing the good Lord and it’s turned into a sort of Karnov (video game) “power up” scenario.

Only my scenario does not involve morphing from a two legged standing wolf, to another two legged snout looking creature. I’m still a human being. And as I push the B button and jump up in the air to collect the red bubble bead-like graphic, a deep video game voice says, “POWER UP”.

And so it’s …
Like bring it on!
Like here we go!
Like puffed up spirit! – the good puff, not puffed pridelike
Like alrighty, I’ll take it, I can take it, let’s do this Lord!
Oh my, okay, yeah, it’ll be good. Will do, sure. Okay then. Left and right.

In contrast to the above roller coastering, I’ve been enjoying the new perspective, but the circumstances, oh the little circumstances that sprout everywhere as soon as you commit. It’s oh so comical when viewing it from Wormwood’s perspective (Screwtape Letters). Recognizably laughable.

But its oh so light, airy and really colorful to live it out moment by moment with the Lord. Trust. That’s the real way I’d summarize it as: Trust, and well flat out Belief.

Ah well, most all of you readers have no doubt been revamped like so. Wouldn't it be nice to string many revamps all together, all at once for one longer revampification time of bliss, trust, belief?

It would make life continually perfect and nice and trustworthy in Him, letting go all that is not of Him. That’s something to strive for: many, many revamps until one day when we’re 80 yeah yeah yeah no bad tudes or outlooks ...

Wait, wait, let’s not get ahead of it all though… you do know that will never happen right? Until Heaven. But why not try it again today?! To reconnect, to see for the first time, to “POWER UP!” And don't try any farther than that, just let it be that!

Woo! Karnov! What a video game - at least the first level that I never got passed, but powering up was accomplishment enough! Thank God for more than just Karnov, more than this earth, more than ourselves and our circumstances.

Changing gears to five mini-topics:
1. Is it strange to say, “Talk to you later.” right after someone else has just said, “Talk to you later.” I did that on the phone with my mother-in-law tonight and thought it hysterical if someone just learning English was listening, you know like Bo and Storm. Talk to you later. Talk to you later. I just said that, is that acceptable Storm?

2. Here’s a random serious question directed toward dear African travelers that I know. I need it answered, but lazily will not look it up:

Does Africa have turtles/tortoises? If so, are they plentiful? Are they large in stature?

3. Dad, will there ever be a Green Lantern movie? If so, will it be properly done? *I really like number one on the cd you gave me – do you know which song it is?

4. Does anyone own the Narnia DVD?

5. I like John Cougar Mellancamp’s “This is Our Country” Chevy truck commercial, sing songy, USA pridefully good lyrics, overplayed.

If you made it this far in these long blog words, here’s a special challenge competition to participate in:

PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED!!!!! (shamelessly copying your blog competition that one month dad :)

What negative degree do you guess our thermometer will read tomorrow morning (Monday, Nov.13)? *Hint: check out blog 1 from earlier today below. Closest answer wins.

It's been negative degrees for the last 2 weeks. -19, -15, -16, and yet more recently only -5. It causes dryness of skin, but luckily we just go about 10-15 steps to and from the truck....

And so that reflection brings to mind that I have not blogged for 2 weeks :(

During that time I have been reffing middle school and elementary bball games for a bit of extra Christmas cash. However, it has caused for more busyness and later nights and I don't think I am/was ready for that.

Basketball doesn't start till after Thanksgiving. So we'll look to lay low for the next two weeks.

Here are some more interesting things I've been up to:

Finally setting up my writing center in the loft - just for writing!

Trying and trying and trying to get a dvd burned of this summers adventure :( to no avail.

Collecting new music singles from Matt's hints, new albums from Dad's donation

Revamping food and exercise routines including pilates and more incline on the treadmill - just got it tuned up with a couple new Nordic track parts and service.

Watching movies: The Proposition (Guy Pierce), Chicken Little (cute, couldn't finish), Running Man (classic), King Solomon's Mines (classic), Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to watch tonight), Face Off (on tv)

Happy almost Turkey Day! Bye bye now!