Friday, January 31, 2003

hello all!

The WORD busy should be taken out of the dictionary. Yet, productivity is good :)

Dad, this line was hilarious----everybody in, lights out, nobody move. The animals might get you!

And I wish I could have seen that weird guy balancing and doing all that ------PLUS changing clothes without falling!

Whoa is right, and laughing at their humor/entertainment is just as fun.

Mrs. Sanford assigned too much work ----so grading has piled. Looking for a low key weekend! Next weekend is the grand old CBEST, teacher's exam. Thanks Tracey for the study book, we've taken the math ---and soon the English practice!

Have a great weekend all you peeps!

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

"Dr. Fulcher (some of you readers probably know/knew his son. Red hair.)." Mike ---this red hair dude we walked thru his yard for high school right!? HA!

Same Grocery and Same Church of Christ ---again dad I comment on the greatness of that town's name.

J ----you can just put return to sender on the package you told me about. The company will take it back b/c it is a mistake anyways:)

Wow! I want to go to Ireland. To see the rolling rocks and hills, and sit in a pub where the cranberries and equation played. To listen to the countrymen talk and take in their culture. Yup! Soon.

Monday, January 27, 2003

Just read some blogs: all good updates.

Michelle's "cleaning 3 cheese ranch dressing off the keyboard" was the most entertaining. We're going to Anchorage all of bob barker....oh no?

Ah yes, Joyce Meyer --great message, can she get that nasal face out out of here ----sorry saw her on tv the other day!

I'm so into everything Equation----just sampling mp3's online. The best relaxing, AWESOME folk Irish ever. Great lyrics! Michelle I'll burn you their new one once I order it.

BEST thing of today: "A Poodle Speech" brought to you buy a 14 year old Sanford English frosh.

"Do you like dogs? Well, I do ......and especially poodles. ........afjdlajwiefwajopfs v In conclusion, dogs have a great sense of humor."

Friday, January 24, 2003

Homecoming for the high school tonight, and Casey and I get to do the scoreboard at the game.

Really drowsy underlying tiredness b/c of playing bball at 630 am>LOVE IT! I want to convince them to play Wednesday mornings too. snowboarding this weekend ---too tired----too much work and no money. I will not get pumped up or report that ever again until it happens hee, hee.

Matt eat a couple wahoo tacos for me and casey. WE DIDN'T EVEN GO THERE!!! HOW RUDE to visit San D and you and NOT!?!??! Also, I've got to get to this local art shop downtown Encinitas that i found that one weird trip I stayed there by myself, and with weirdnesssssss family.

I stayed at the travel lodge too actually close to your place, I would like to go to some shops I found and where I went running once. Oops what am I blabbing about :)


Wednesday, January 22, 2003

HA! I just found out I have the same blog coloring/page as Joel! Wondering how his Cali life is going ----perhaps intrusively I read his blog from a bros link. You always feel weird reading other people's blogs ----even if old friends.

And you know when you see someone with the same blog coloring, you're apt to think "hey that's mine" HA! As if!

Anyways, it was good to catch matt and mike's new blog. I haven't been able to get on very much and read, or write. And mike, I don't mind the onion excerpts. They are a quick funnies, without me doing any work.

It seems like with TV (just for me) I find myself having to do too much work to enjoy the show, rather than just being a lazy blob staring at it. I think all this intellectual life these past years of teaching ---I'd rather be productive ---WEIRD I KNOW :)

Besides this ramble, I TOTALLY DIS...LIKE tv. It drains any creativity I have at the end of the day ----I WILL SCRAPBOOK INSTEAD!!!!

Hey!, besides seemingly depressing lyrics, Koufax "Saturday's Alone" is the best beebop song for me this week. You know beebop your head around and smile type! I'm sure you alls are sick of the album, but I finally got it ripped for the IPOD situation.

Oh yeah, noise for pretend, chalk boy ----goooood. These couple musics have inspired me to get out more and explore "my music". Tired of the same cds and music over and over. Need new albums....need NEW NEW NEW finds eh?

PS! Justin and mike ---watch the mail (matt and tracey soon too), but can you (justin or mike) send me like 5 blank cds from my pile i left in mike's room. And like burn Amelie onto one too:) PLLEEEEASE. I love that music, and didn't get it onto my new IPOD either.

Well, sounds like the parents are really liking it out in Aff! Excellent! God is good to that safety!

And, I think Casey and I are going snowboarding this Saturday with a school function, but so not a part of the school function. You pay 15 bucks and ride up on a charter, then the norm pay for rentals. We don't have to chaperone or anything, just freelance it up there.

BUTTTTTT, let's not speak to soon, b/c we know how snowshoeing turned out :( Off to make a rainbow chip cake for fun, that I forgot we had in the cupboard. AND a little....AND THEN.....SCRAPBOOOOOOK YAHOO!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2003


Today we slept in and it was one of those best sleep in's ever with perfectly rested and feeling so relaxed. Also b/c I'm so pumped about having that extra day this weekend!

Casey made lasagna last night and even though lasagna has never been a craving of mine ----it was amazingly great! Had it for lunch just now, so it's still on my mind.

Now just a little bit of the best ice cream I've ever had, and Casey and I are off to Merced! Whenever people come visit we will stock up on this ice cream: "Peanut Butter with mini Reeses" Idatarod Ice Cream (brand name Idatarod).........mmmmmm....mmmmmm!

In Merced we have to purchase some snow chains for 40 bucks so we can go to Yosemite tomorrow morn, and hopefully Monday again! YAH!

Also in Merced Casey is going to see Narc, and I think I'm seeing that Julia stiles "Guy thing" movie. My movie is basically the only one I would watch ------POOR MOVIE CHOICES THIS YEAR SO FAR!!!! I'll let whoever cares about it, know what I think of it ---and at least its matinee.

DAD!! I got my IPOD TODAY!! SO AWESOME!!!!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR loading it up with all those songs!

Casey is already seeing me sitting in a corner for hours at a time just playing and listening to it. HA! Fortunately for him, (and UNfortunatetly for me...jk sort of not though) I'll be putting lots of country on it for our big road trip in 4 months! ANCHORAGE TIME!

TRACEY! Thanks for the oswald utmost direction, I plan on reading that tonight :) Also, thank the Lord Casey knows that we need this summer all to ourselves and travel, so he really wasn't going to teach this summer.

Our summer school is just 19 days (4 weeks like yours I believe) and 6 hours a day. HIDEOUS!! (HA, one of my teacher friends always says "that's hideous!" "The kids are acting hideous!" Anyways, planning that much work seems hideous to my mind!

Talk to you all later! _----oh yeah and Tracey ---I'm so tempted to go psycho on that LA to London thing, but I do believe I couldn't justify the spurratic and random leaving and paying of that. OOOOOOOh sometime EUROPE, sometime EUROPE! If I was a muscian I would write a song called "sometime europe". HA! ---peace out

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Dear people who view,

Today was super quality, as I forced myself to pray for the strength to deal with 6th period -----instead of just 6th period just disappearing.

This class.......haugh....this class........ :) Too many spastic, wanna be WWF, football boys. I kid you not their are 4 girls in this class and 19 dudes! You cannot mention the word football, 49ers, or San Fran or Oakland -----AND NEVER THE BROWNS or an all out verbal war goes on ( all in good nature)_but super, super annoying.

Anyways, God is good and his purpose in that class is an amazing one.

I MEAN IT JUSTIN!! QUIT LEARNING THE SAME LESSONS FROM GOD AS ME ON THE SAME DAY!! And hey full length @irport (bad spelling) soon right?

Mike I liked the relevance of your last quote today. Such a weird hilarious thing to think about.

YAHOOOOOO! I got to play softball, soccer, and bball today. Softball b/c I'm one of those coaches, soccer b/c I just walked on the team's field and started playing with them ----I "know the coach". Bball b/c I teach bball, I mean I have a gym class and we're doing a hilarious dance unit, but really I shoot around while they line dance.

Anyone know the "Slap Leather" dance, done to "Boot Scootin' Boogie"? Don't tell me you forgot that one guy from Real world two who wore cowboy hats and always sang that or danced it .------oh who cares ! ALL HILARIOUS!

Tomorrow will be good, good, good. The teaching staff gets together at 630 am (ouch) and plays bball. A couple of the younger girl staffers play too ----and I will join them.

MATT! You don't like half court if you can help do you? I just love full court no matter how much sucking air goes on ----_BUT THESE OLD FOLGIES PLAY HALF COURT! ! SO WEIRD :) Jk, we'll see what its like tomorrow.

Mom and dad! Stay safe and have that blast of a time in your world ----did we hear you right about you liking it more than KENYA!??! GO TO KILAMANJARO and report back to me!

Matt and Tracey have a blast being outdoors. We'll update you on the fun of snowshoeing ----and check your email about your visit up here sometime. CALI ---FORNIA----HERE WE COME---peace out all

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Ahhhh! I just ran the mile in 9 mins. and 35 secs. THAT'S HORRIBLE! In college we had to make the mile in 6:10. HA!

Anyways, I ran it with my p.e. class and they have to get certain times for a certain grade. If they beat me they get 5 bonus, if they beat their time from last week they get 5 more! It motivated them ----which was weird b/c their faces showed and told major complaints!

Parents! I hope you are well and having fun. Whenever you find an internet place, write it up:)

That's all for now ----not too eventful for a 9:33 in the morning!

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

2 hour delay! It made our administrators make up a weird redundant scedule of seeing the same class twice, then skipping two others all together. So that made for a weird, and actually longer day. Have I mentioned that we have 55 min. classes! UGH to that! But the lesson plans are very organized this semester and that's awesome!

I hope the parents had/are having an excellent and smooth ride to Tanzania. Ha! Hey can I catch a ride to Tanzania.....

Oreo's have become me! YUM!

This weekend as I've blabbed, Casey and are going snowshoeing ----it should be very cool and interesting! YAH! P.s. softball is full go 2.5 hours a day. There is a guy var. coach, and two guy assistants for him ----so it is a rather macho take over type of me sitting there ----which is actually fine with me BUT BORING!

I will have my own team and field after a few weeks of this "together practicing". I do believe this spring will be busy ---and fun ---AND PROPELLING TO THE SUmmer!

Justin and mike I downloaded your song and I'm.....about it: very relaxing and I like it. Not that I'd be biased to OF COURSE liking my brothers music, but it just a great extension of you guys that I love to enjoy! GOOD STUFF!

Also, j and m ---watch for a package soon --odds and ends you might enjoy. Matt, any thing in your mail lately? Well there should be one from a place I ordered from, and then I am sending out a little box for you and Trace with odds and ends --+ your teeshirts i borrowed. Sorry so long on those!


Monday, January 13, 2003

Solid day.

Talking to the parents was sad even though, it's not like I could see them if they were in the states anyways.

This evening I got in this very nice reminscent mood of this summer and how wonderful it was to have my entire family there, and involved in my wedding. From Joan's wonderful dresses, to dad's arm down the aisle and speaking, and my wonderful siblings' duties. Thank you for the best summer yet to be had!

I've really just been feeling grateful for you all fam/friends. Life really is too good. God spoils us, and in Him nothing is less than perfect. So lately I've been taking off those human goggles ----those ones that scue any and every aldjf;afekejrfoiwaji :) Praise God!

Justin, I identified with the collection of quotes you had yesterday--- I think it was. Especially where we might view life as "another day that God gets to save us". God is so good.

Anyways, I'm going to bed and have said my prayers for you my wonderful parents! Have fun! Take good pictures with stories behind every one-----then send them to me on a cd.

I love you both! Love ya all! --peace!

Saturday, January 11, 2003

This afternoon I went to a teacher pals to scrapbook and it was fun to mingle a bit. Yet, I only got 3 pages done on my Hawaii scrapbook.

The latter end of this week has been recovering from time change, work, and prob. jet lag/travel stress. Thus, Thursday night I slept from 5 pm till midnight, then from like 1230 am till morning 7 am. AWESOME! It was like a blink of the eye to me, which isn't always good, but it got me to Friday didn't it!

I got Jane Youngpeter's wedding invite in the mail today and it was a very cool invitation itself. I'm tossing around the idea of coming home for it March 7 -9 th.....tossing is the key word.

This particular Saturday evening has been relaxing with some While you were out episdodes, and cleaning of the house. Organizing scrapbook stuff though is more the reality.

Plus! Casey and I are planning to go snowshoeing next weekend at Yosemite, as we have that Monday off like everyone I presume. AWESOME! Not quite snowboarding, but we plan on smoothing out that type of trip details while we're up there.

Mom and dad I have been praying for your trip and for your nerves. I hope you get to enjoy this weekend with last minute football and sewing or sleeping...etc.

MATT! Tell me about your surf board Pllllleeeeease!! And awesome! Casey and I are working on getting our hitch fixed and ready for some spring biking. Also, add some bike helmets on there as well. We'll head your way sometime before you can get a hitch (whatnot)

Also, Matt, your new name is McGruff (the crime dog) b/c you help take a bite out of chapstick! Sorry I just die laughing when I think of that, wishing I had that on video.

Justin and Mike have fun in your bachelor pad!

Thursday, January 09, 2003

Ahhh, I just read all the blogs from the week. Casey had a really interesting one yesterday! Anyways, all were very enjoyable!

This Friday of a Thursday went solid I presume ----pretty blurful considering it felt like it should be Friday lakfjdksajfljsakfas

I'm feeling rather napful right now and we dropped our work deliberately by 4 p.m. b/c getting home 430 ish and on is darkening and just should not happen.

At least here, it's not pitch dark when you go to work ---and when you get home. Maybe that's only if you go to school at 3 in the morning like I loved to do back at Evergreen. HA! Does anyone know that story ---oh well if not.

So yesterday I dropped off my polished resume to the "Chowchilla News", and also talked to the lady (too) lengthily about a part time job opportunity. 4 months later I knew the history of journalism! HA!!! Um..maybe I should not diss so openly.

Anyways, she said she desperately needed help 2 months ago and could find noone. Now she doesn't really need anyone and has had 3 application in the last week. WEIRD! And kind of disheartening.

I have wished to try journalism for 3 or 4 years now....I gave it to God though (more really this year) and it'll be all good.

Justin! QUIT INSPIRING the slop out your audience. It rules! I find my walk blossoming oddly near yours quite often, and that is neat to see your perspective!

Mike I found a part of your blog like hidden way under that large picture that I hadn't read. That was a cool find. Oh and dad, did you know we can't see the right side of your words on the blog ----well at least I can't (and the window is completely maximize blah bla :)

Welp! Have a recovering fun weekend after this first week back! Miss you all! Mom and Dad! RELAX!! Force yourself to relax. Demand intensely and violently that your mind, heart, souls, and bodies relax. HA! Seriously though, prioritize, give it to God, and act like Amelie enjoying little things in life :) (I'm praying for you too!)

Monday, January 06, 2003

Good morning California again! The morning air here is clean and refreshing like an Ohio spring morning ----have I mentiond fog, fog, fog?

I already completed my first class (gym) back from that wonderful break. It went fine and dandy, now it's off to the academia world of English and Math :) (I get to come home quick to get dressed for "real teaching")

Our apartment is a whirlwind of moving back in after the two week travel bliss. Speaking of that trip, the flight from Chicago to San Fran TOOOOOOOK FORRRRRRRREVER! But it was a safe one and that's all that matters.

Watching the Browns throw the game away was so annoying yesterday! There is no one I will root for now---maybe a new york team but...nah.

Not much else, pretty lame entry I thinko! :) Have a great week!