Sunday, October 29, 2006

Yesterday it was snowy and sunny! I literally had an exhilerating feeling like I get when I go on a sweet hike, like on the Dingle Peninsula, or a day at the beach playing aerobie, or that feeling you get when you know you were born to do something and you're loving every milli-second, like on the basketball court.

And so I sat out in a Cabela's lawn chair yesterday with my nano and just soaked it up! Fresh, clean, crisp, excellent! Beautiful!

The clocks fell back and I was greeted with a dusky blue morning today. Huge snow flakes have been falling continuously all morning and all day as Casey and I do some serious lounging. The fire going, football tv in the background, dogs lazy, hot chocolate, silver dollar pancakes, a puzzle! WOO! Puzzle! Awesome! Hahahahhahaha!

Anyone remember one of So I Married an Axe Murderer's best scenes where the psycho sister asks Mike Myers if he would like some "silver dollar pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice" and he nervously says yes.

Next scene, loud fruit loops in a bowl with, "We didn't have any of those other things." [stern look to Myers]

Heeeeeeeeerrrrrre's Storm! Mini-Bo, smaller head, really a twinky twin to Bo but with a different fun loving cute face! :)

Anyways, Casey and I have a continual appreciation of days like this. After all we had been dreaming of these days for years while enduring a time of Chowchilla service. Even there though we appreciated every drop of rain in that central California desert. There's just something about inclimate weather that forces you inside your newly built home to be comfortable and content with life! By the way, rain in Chow was inclimate weather that caused no one to come out to the winter sporting events.

We get to use the porch banister as a precipitation gauge for now, until it fall offs.

Well, who knew precipitation could inspire such philosophy in my mind today. Maybe you can embrace your day a little more, in some way, in some gratitude, in your world and in your way today. God is good - enjoy the extra hour of life!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

snow today

did you give the mini back Justin?

only 3 days of school next week for parent conferences

then this day off, then Turkey, then another day here and then blamo you know it


bball still not for another month! YES!

I've been writing on that book - random topics, but writing nonetheless

hope yous are goodie

Friday, October 20, 2006

Do you guys think of 11:56 as much I think of 10:40 when the time happens on a digital clock?

Just wondering beegee'ers - saw it today while administering Vocabulary Test 6 to freshman.

Good weekend ahead even though part of it is being forced to stay at school a while tonight - Prime Rib Dinner Fundraiser.

Then tomorrow we might check out a Willow Community Center Oktoberfest. Sounds cheesy but good enough.

And all that takes the place of a teacher Halloween party that we're dissing unfortunately b/c of not wanting to drive forever :( Pathetic party poopers eh? Nah let's sleep in a lot and save money! MUCH DESERVED SLEEP FOR ME! Overworked, end of quarter.

Well, I had to get a new blog up here b/c the last one was unsatisfactorilly unbecoming to me - written in a slopped minded sort of spew.

Have a sweetical weekend yous.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pagliai’s was shocking and disturbing to my fried English brain tonight. I just want to change the spelling of it, HA! Excellent blog update though Dad. Good sports memories.

The 1st Quarter of school is over Friday. I label it 1Q in teacher books and notes.

My meaning there is to discuss how busy and paper pushy I have allowed the days to become. A vacuum sucked existence of holding my breath. Ludacris.

And no I don't mean the grafitti'ed Ludacris that is forever scratched into my mind's eye from a Naples train ride to Pompeii - I always think of this! CRAZY! But maybe I imagined him though - there is no proof from my traveling buddy Tracey....

Repetitive epiphany today though. Settle down, slow down.

It was an interesting day though to say the least. Our school is being bumped up to the large school division in sports next year, thus meaning we'll get killed even more. But our admins and athletic director are actually stepping up and taking charge of it. Getting coaches and athletes to comply to higher standards. I'm into it! And there's open encouragement and assumption that I am the future of the program from many faceted people. At this exact minute, both Casey and I are ready and good to go with that assignment via the Lord Jesus Christ if need be. It is a large time consuming commitment when considering the off season...

Cause somethings have to be done, some things have to be seen, but not with pride, but with humility

You know I'd like to open that knocked door! WOO! Now if only I could get salaries switched between coaching and teaching and whalla!

Next topic: it seems like Thursday right now?

So, in browsing the pseudoradio, I see and remember board games and kitchen floors. It is a good, good song. I got the album from Bruce and Joan last Christmas at a strange Motel 6 tiny room gift extravaganza. We were all so exhausted from semesters of academia and flight. Well, flight for them.

Welp, let's wrap this up. I'm signing off now as Storm lazily sits contently in the middle of the living room floor staring at the shadow of her head right in front of her. (find 4 prepositional phrases at the end there and underline the objects) sick too many of them!

I'm thinking of you all. Enjoy your Amy Weaks! Oh...that a real person's name that I graduated BGHS with. Sure hope she doesn't put her name into a search engine and find this blog. Awkward.

Enjoy your weaks!

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm thinking light and heavy on........

On pilates: check (done), on running-check, on large chocolate brownie cake with really rich icing-check!

On the Killers: "I pack my case, I check my face, I look a little bit older, I look a little bit colder, one deep breathe, one big step, I move a little bit closer, I move a little bit closer......for reasons (not :) unknown...."

On my missing of the writing process (not using a comp.): pen to paper translates to even more finger to keyboard - CONSTANT SPEWING!

On Mike's song: no it can't be over? can it? so, so good

On Leigh Nash's Along the Wall: just it

On Suzy: just weeping

On substitutes: there are none for setting our faces like *flint on Him

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"As I sat considerably lower than the scorer's table, I was excited, giddy, and overwhelmed with pride to get in the game. Across the gym I see my dad smiling and nudging my mom as she lays her knitting needles down. My two younger brothers too had taken note and were ready to cheer me on. The horn goes off and I nod and point to Annette who work-horsedly makes her way off the court drenched by the sweat of work well done.

'I had 23,' she said with a medium level high five, a smile, and a a wipe of sweat off her brow. Sprinting eagerly on the court, I locate number 23 and get into position with all the newly learned defensive knowledge in check. On the line, and up the line."

Annette played quite work-horsedly.

Check that in the dictionary, it's there. hahahahhaha

Friday, October 06, 2006


It's time for books to start flowing like the Nile,hahahhahahhaha

obligatory nile insert

off to sleep, lounge, read, and write

sounds like an English teacher's weekend, but it's not school reading and writing you must know!

one page a day ;)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

"Delanie Payne it's your time to shine! Please read the sentence and give us your answer!"

And I tell that student her name could be the next big band name on the alternative *punk* scene minus the sloppyness in such a label of music.

"Your name could be the next big band name that Jesus creates!" Um....what was that try trying to be?

So there's a time to shine theme going on in my mind.

Optimum shine. Sparkle!

Some allowances must be made. Allow.

Priorities are landing where they may in chip like fashion. Movements stirring just like the two 4.3 earthquakes today 15 miles east and 15 miles west, directionally from Willow.

I'm off to very anal retentively prepare some pancake batter, 5 blueberries, and 2 large strawberries for my new Friday morning routine! Mini-pancakes with fruit and a large hot chocolate. It shall be a deliciously delightful drive through the 5 A.M. morning commute darkness.

Identify the alliteration in that last sentence and you get an A for the day!

Happy Friday you all! Live it up!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We've had a great weekend with the parents hanging out in our great room with good food and a roaring and sleepy-making fire glow.

Here's a movie list we conquered: 1156 still pic gallery, Defiance Prize Winner, Family Stone, The Sentinel, Ella Enchanted (for milli-minutes), and School for Scoundrels (a matinee today).

#1 in my mind: 1156

School for Scoundrels was okay. Renter or free'er.

Side news: instead of waiting 50 million downloading minutes for podcast catch up, I just nabbed them all in one fell swoop from dad's comp. One fell swoop.

Tomorrow besides something called school, more excitedly there is Anchorage for an afternoon of relaxing and hanging out for a few more hours together until the airport.

Weekend favorites:
Costco preparation shopping, smiling anticipation of our time together
Warm fires as the sun went down
Leather couch naps, chats, and movie watching
Leaf crushing walks with all and then with mom only
The dogs getting loose then mom disappearing inside ;)
Dog buddies with one and all
Crisp air and sunshine - happy holidays are around the corner!