Astros outfits, the rainbow kind.
It took a birthday to get me to blog.
Quotes from funny parents. And I too needed a birthday to blog! Well, a birthday to free load first and read other blogs, before I could throw words out here.
By the way, I've been trying repeatedly, different weeks to post comments on some fam blogs (namely pseudo ones) to no avail - I just need to be smarter than the log in thing I presume.
Speaking of pseudo ones, I wore a brown pseudobook tshirt to the regional bball games last weekend. The guy in the hospitality room chuckled and said, "Heh, ha, did you have *P(h),, put on your shirt b/c you're not an open book? heh, heh? be know....?"
I think I gasped, then definitely double took the pronunciation before I said, "heh, yeaup...hehheha".
"You know we're all open books to be some point in our lives....I think....heh" - him
Then a couple hours later, I was to be confronted again, for YES I went to the hospitality room about 1,000 times for various food delectables and treats throughout the weekend, "Hey you put a shirt over your *P(h),," shirt, I see what you're doing....."
And what he saw was that I had overly used my "coach pass" to get bunches of brownies and bottled water all weekend. A long sleeve tshirt over a *P(h),," shirt wouldn't be able to cover up that atrocity.
Nope, what he saw was that not everyone's an open book, at different times of their life, or day, or hospitality room.
I'm into the final four brackets today! Good times! Tomorrow it starts, and yet we're headed to Anchorage to do whatever our hearts desire b/c we're teachers and we get paid tomorrow once and for all (for the bball season actually). WOW! Live it up and then it's back to grading for me. I've had a 3-4 foot pile of movie reviews and random classworks to grade since our first - flying - road trip to Bethel - what? 6 weeks ago?
I can't believe the 3rd quarter ended without my permission!
Labels: late winter bball 07 - 2