Kenny G and Dolores:
Today Casey and I got up early to join in on the Willow Clean Up Day! It was 2 and 1/2 hours of cleaning up trash 2 miles of a side Willow road, followed by a bbq and some small talk with people we don't really know! HA! It was fun and it is a beautiful day still out there! And....we are resting the early afternoon away.
Kenneth G, the saxophone guru of all elevator loving jazz bandwagoneers of the 90s, has been haunting me this week.
I'll never forget the instant one of his songs dawned upon my wedding reception without permission. I precisely had music premade, preselected, and preready for my reception, but no.... the dj took it upon himself to torture us with obligatory Kenny G classics of wedding reception dinners.
Besides my bitterness there, I must explain the haunting. As I was cleaning out my classroom closets this week, I found a Kenny G cd that the teacher who I replaced 2 years ago had left behind. We all know why she left it behind....she couldn't take the artist's hair style staring her down perpetually.

As the cd jewel box was about to be tossed into the closest trash bin, I thought, "Wait a minute, I should review that cd for the pseudoreview. That would be the ultimate revenge on that ear piercingly disgusting display at my wedding reception that still haunts me from 5 years ago".
So I brought the cd home that night. Then the very next day I open the Anchorage Daily News (newspaper) and there it is:
An entire full length picture and article in the entertainment pages on that Kenny G guy. His hair hurt my eyes. His music is appalling.

I cannot escape him this week. After that newspaper find, I was compelled to deny my original attempts to request a spotlight publish from J on pseudoreview.
G's 1996 album of jazz melodrama and guru'ity will get the garage sale treatment next week at the basketball team's rummage sale.
On a better musical fruit, note: Dolores O'Riordan (The Cranberries lead singer) has finally gotten her solo album out on the market after several years of family time, etc. She has a song called "Willow Pattern", ha! The rest of the album is still soaking into my floating into summer thoughts and relaxing. Will formulate an opinion soon.
Rest time! Have a good weekend!
"Never take a thing for granted.......and it's stupid to be holding grudges against Kenny G because we've only got so long......" - Dolores' "Willow Pattern" lyrics
I know I can't believe she has the G in there either!??!!