Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Justin I was dying laughing at your twin's blog. You posted a link to it!? HA!

Vegas! YES!

Here's some more of a story:

All the hour and mileage calculations culminated into comfort as the realization began to hit us that night in Barstow. We’re in our new state. Finally.

Yet, grossly enough Barstow turned out to be a major arm-pit of a trucker’s heaven. Nothing but pure heat, sun, and desert dust was there to welcome us that day. Fortunately, we were only there shortly to fulfill our SNS special delivery:

One blue Volkswagen Beetle at your service (new) Sanfords, compliments of “Barstow Tire and Transfer”, stilled owed a thank you card with accompanying beetle and truck picture.

The armpit proved more so in Bakersfield (as the world already knows) as we brushed our way through the speeding traffic flow. A smoggy trucking and factory atmosphere cluttered our views, and tiny thoughts of despair crept into our imagination on our hometown Chowchilla. Is it like this?

Separated by car status, Mary drove her beetle offensively as usual, as Casey carefully maneuvered the hefty, shifting Uhaul in and out of traffic. Onto Fresno, Madera, and a quick jog fifteen more minutes north.

The dusk impression Chowchilla had on me was clean and simple. The small and overly agricultural appearance reigned congruent to it’s people and quiet way of life observed thus far.

We pulled into the Travel Lodge first, right outside of town by a car dealership. It was just the tip of the iceberg to this three stop light joint. Yet the new life layed out before us would be even more intriguing than we imagined in the months to come.

After a two minute exploration before dark, our first night in Chowchilla, California, ended up being spent in their Best Western. So many expectations and anxieties were entertained that first settling night.

Chapter II: Settling Fits

The house, the wait, the shopping, the school campus, a landlord, not to mention starting school: it all weighed us down. It was a secret weigh down though. One of those stresses that is so riled up into whirlwinds of excitement, anticipation that your flesh cannot decifer it as a negative.

We waited out our unbuilt house by continuing our tourist act. Touring Hawaii, good in thought. Touring the country and western California, definitely good. But when you're waiting to unload your Uhaul into your new home, it not so in depthly felt. Thankfully we were able to move it out of its jammed Uhaul existence into our garage. This, until our official move-in still to commence in two more weeks.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

Well, we were in a jam for a good flight in consideration of parking for two weeks at an airport being $200 bucks alone :)

But we are all settled and will be flying into Toledo from San Fran on Dec. 22~! WOOOooOo!!

Casey is currently sleeping his head off, as I finish wrapping up Christmas presents! Ahhh! SO FUN!

Tracey enjoy your time at IKEA this weekend.
DAD!?! TANZANIA! GO FOR IT! YES! Way cool, yet then you won't be visiting Chow town till later I presume :( Mom you should fly out anyways?! YEAH!

It's overcast today, how grossy josie. Does anyone else find hilarity in Drew Barrymore's "Never been kissed"? I do, but not on purpose!

Have a great weekend all! ---And I'm so, so, so proud of Grampa for his internet delving! AWESOME!
Oh and Mike, that was funny what you said about Casey's blog updating. I actually checked his b/c I thought he did. BUT NO! Whatta dork he is!

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Striking out big time with this airline search!
Who knew parking our car would cost us so much merch.
Lotsa lesson plans swinging around my head.
It's all a big plan to spend more holiday time in bed.
Just kidding my fun families, that we'll soon reunite.
That's all I have for tonight.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Justin and Suzy! (not that Suzy's here in eyes) Get a me a copy revved up for purchase when home for Christmas! AWESOME!

How is that no MATTER WHAT, Sixpence finds it's way into my ears every Christmas season! AWESOME! Old or new, always around!

Casey is cooking an awesome breakfast, as we have had one of those mornings where you get up and feel normal AS IF IT'S A WORK DAY!

WHAT! No sleeping in? Yet, today was a great refreshing early rise, so that's good.

Dad, your blog was very touching including your sermon and compiling of everything Rich.

Trace you need to work on the soundtrack compiling for a movie company, b/c you spot some really relevant good ones to relate to this life.

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Read a couple lines of Afoot and Afield to remind you of a gift. Or rewrap it with foil and reopen, HA!

later my peeps

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

It is too sad to realize that we will never see (my great) Uncle Rich's chuckling sweet smile, wherein he died Monday night.

He was just so caring and joyful. Always asking how we were doing, and genuinely wondering. He continued that genuine love through small tidbits of wise advice, fishing talk, and crazy stories always invovling some ridiculous hilarity with my grandpa.

I remember him saying how he approved of Casey, and that he really thought I found a good one. That was neat considering he barely knew him. It was so awesome to have him, Pearl, Aunt Nancy and Chuck at our wedding.

I will miss him. Praise the Lord he verbally made announcements of his relationship with Jesus this weekend before he passed. Can't wait to see him up there!

P.s. The price is right was a fall thru sadness. Waiting all day, not making it on b/c there were 700 people for the first come, first serve entrance :( The weekend was definitely a blast with my bro, sis, and other bro/sis-in-law-laws though, especially exploding in the aggressive fun driving of L.A.! Woo! I love that for some reason.

"Oh so that's where the hotel across the street from CBS studios really is........"

Thursday, November 07, 2002

trying to figure something out here

i can't access a certain part of the blog


Wednesday, November 06, 2002

"Hey Mrs. Sanford.......that Whopper thingy you taught us really worked!"

That's right folks I've been teaching people how I used to make Whopper's over at that Woodland Mall Burger King.

That 3 week job back in high school! Whatta good one: First plop down a bun
Then get a huge sick-o burger from the flame throwing flame broiler.....find some "fresh lettuce", throw the mayo...

JK! I slopped them a technique for paragraph organizing, and the dude above actually used it today on their state mandated, standardized test. AWESOME! Reach one kid out of 150, not bad!

Anyways, I was yet again, a "PROCTOR" for a long, tedious standarized test this morning (2/3 days now).

SILENCE! In the golden silence of it all, coupled with the buses that took us to the test site across town, I got inspired for a poem:

Title: Torso

With exhaust filled nostrils
Nairobi is recollected today.
Charred buildings and billboards give the sense of dirt and old,
Or a sense of the primitive.

"Matatus" roar by
Slammed inside with Kenyans.
The jaw drops @ the downhill scene:
Pedestrians head in and out of the city.
A metropolis awaits their 9-5,
And a downtown meat market exudes curiosity.

How are these people halfway around the world,
Striving, living, and being just like
Everywhere else?
My patriotic arrogance and misconceptions are challenged.

With it’s peculiar, intriguing air
The feeling is a reality check…
We’re all the same.
Some more or less fortunate
Yet still just living, striving, and being.

The hopelessness of our world is more obvious there,
Materialistically speaking of course,
Soulfully though…
That nation is alive in God!
Vibrantly clinging to Him b/c He is
The Only Stronghold.

Now at a time of uneasy foundations in this world,
What do I cling to?
I remember the shameful humility now. The lesson.
The torso shattering of my ideas,
And the reality of ideas in The Stronghold.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Trek West: Chowchilla Essay....cont.......from weeks ago....

The hours on the road went surprisingly fast as we battled sun glare, moods, stiff sitting bodies formed to the shape of a Jeep chair, and brain boredom. We just wanted to be settled, at ease, free of the past six months of glorious preparation, excitement, and expectancy. Settled into our new home, our new job, our new life.

After a rather uneventful venture through the plain states of Kansas and Oklahoma, Texas brought us to life with it’s unique Rt. 66 side shows. The Big Texan was home to us for a few brief pictures and restroom visits. Unfortunately, the 96 ounce steak was not our cup of tea at this point in our heavy state of determination to one state alone. A large jack rabbit, 90 foot cross, and petrified forest summed up our speedy Rt. 66 push.

The back of the Jeep served as a pig sty to our current necessities and boundless trash throughout the trip. Mary also took the liberty amidst the pig sty for several long, hot, and irritable naps. Many of which Casey very innocently endured the rath ignited by the continuous drum of "window-down" gusts of wind, exploding trucks roaring by, temperature hot then cold, and Casey’s sleep-prevention radio blasting. (........more....to.....come.....)

Tricia the sister in law............what is your problem!??!? HA!? What do you mean the blog is boring?

Next time, don't send a messenger to do the dirty work of insult deliveries!

Monday, November 04, 2002

Dad thanks for the pictures. I'm inspired to get some of ours up too.

What's everyone doing for the Monday off@?! Besides Bob Barker fun that is!

Matt your weekend sounded way cool! Awesome up all night scenario fun!

Nothing going on here, sorry so boring-----time for a blog holiday! See you when I'm not such an internet freak!


Sunday, November 03, 2002

Full of sleep! This weekend flew by!

I found an odd appreciation of this central valley CA as I drove to walmart 3 times this weekend. There's just something about the open, dry road, that hits right to the core.

Justin, your page today was entertaining. Thanks!

I wish I was on that retreat! It is our (Casey and I's) goal to one day have several acres and open a summer camp situation. AWESOME!

Nothing much else this weekend. Next weekend: BOB BARKER! YES!!!!