The Chowchilla Arch! A palm tree'd gateway to the pseudo ocean!
There used to be a large arch looking into downtown Chowchilla. And (mom) guess what, it burnt down, that's why it's not there. Man I wish it was still here though. But then again I don't wish I was living with it back in 1934.
Nerdily I did some research at the library today and online tonight. Chowchilla was almost named "Lone Oak". Remember that for future reference in my books!
Justin do I owe you the rights to using pseudo? Yeah I should. You know you should start doing fund raisers dudes. Go to Sam's and buy candy bars and then sell them for even 50 cents. Ask local businesses to let you sell them out front.
By the way, HOORAY FOR JUSTY! HE IS WELL! Praise Jesus! Take a shot of chlorophyll everybody! hahahahahhahahaha
Fundraising...even better. Next school year I will do this and sell to my kids all year round. I will be upfront that it is to raise money for "The Young Producers/Actors Guild de Pseudobook"
They'll think it's from around here b/c I put "de Pseudobook". That's part Spanish (no mock intended).
Anyways Mom (or anyone extremely bored and nerdy with history) here's a website about Chowchilla history, if you have any of that free time that you don't have :) and
Jenny Mavis! You go girl with the blog! You know our buddyhood is certainly not based on whether or not a snail mail snails it way to each other! Woo! So happy for blogging from you!
Well, Bob Barker it is! Casemeister has been warned! Michelle and Ryan (and Hannah) have taken one for the team!
Chicago reunioners UNITE!
Kim Miles! You must report on how your 10 year goes! Wow! BGHS 10 years! I think that would be so fun, yet weird. Have you seen any of those weird reality High School Reunion sitcoms?
Also, I have been praying for the Hawaiian girl to win American Idol. As if my 1,036 votes last week weren't enough. I'll shall build up the strength again to do it this week too. just josh waley'in ya. Wait, do people remember Josh Waley?!?
Just teasing ya Kim. I for really think the Hawaiian is cool and good. Super glad step child John whoever is gone (as matt calls red heads). He was too odd voiced and funny faced not enjoyable.
We will now thank Casey Sanford for making American Idol a part of this house!
Here's something funny we're doing for spring homecoming (not sure why they have 3 homecomings in one year?!?!)
They are auctioning teachers off as maids/butlers. Kids can throw money into a silent auction to buy a teacher for the week. Which really means we are suppose to help them with their homework, and they get to dress us up in clown or monster or other funny costumes each day of the week.
We'll see about this! I'm doing it, OF COURSE!, but Casey has bowed out much to the shagrin of having a husband and wife team needed for Spring Pep Rally games!
Fine Casey I will have to compete in front of the whole school with some stranger teacher as my partner. HA! Well, not a stranger though. This will be fun!
Off to IPOD mix until (stupid) Jimmy Kimmel Live (can't stand him or Adam Corolla) only watching b/c of totally radical Snow Patrol on as musical guest! YES!