I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOOTTTTT beeeeelieve the caliber of ridiculous and incredibly idiotic Americans that we have in this country!
Just watching the beginning of this war unfold, you can't miss all the discussion about "protesters" and bla bla bla, should they be considered patriotic or not.....
Annoyingly enough, I thought MTV would have a sitcom on so I could pretend like this Gulf War II isn't happening (but really just sick of Peter Jennings already, sad to say)
Anyways, and Pharrell Williams, a complete idiot as well.......I mean......a member of the hip hop group Neptunes, currently sporting a Justin Timberlake collaboration song last month......
(why do I know all that) .........he was trying to be "celebrity (politically) correct" with the protesters and said:
"I can understand what the President is doing....but also I'm with the protesters b/c so many people will die.....I mean.....people......people are people, man....people..."
Well, maybe you won't get as annoyed as me, but how stupid could he have sounded.
I trust God number one, then I trust that our gov't will do what's best. All in all though, the Lord's will be done, and really how much closer will we be to His beautiful face if the world goes down. Yah Lord.
Also, does anyone remember September 11th? Hmm....I think those protesting San Fran weirdos need a reminder ----well no offense to san fran (I like it), but those are the only protesters I have witnessed with my own eyes.
Next topic: GET THIS, last night.................... CASEY called me KATHY TABER!! He keeps making up names to tease me, and this was the bombshell he came up with last night.
Multiple explosions of laughter at the randomidity of it ----and if you know the Tabe'ster, you know you feel the explosion too.
Peace in the middle east ----yet trust in that good God of ours!
P.s. I heard today that Max Lucado asked Bush how he finds the strength to deal with war....Bush replied:
"only on my knees before God am I strong", then he asked America to pray for "clarity of mind for wise decisions", and "safety for his family".
I'll do that. Especially b/c people are people man, come on, people, you know.
And hey we're going to that Mike Myers movie Friday ----pass or fail, at least we'll see the highlights again from their trailer. Em--PHFASIS and SYLLLAhhble... commercials. hee, hee.