HA! I just found out I have the same blog coloring/page as Joel! Wondering how his Cali life is going ----perhaps intrusively I read his blog from a bros link. You always feel weird reading other people's blogs ----even if old friends.
And you know when you see someone with the same blog coloring, you're apt to think "hey that's mine" HA! As if!
Anyways, it was good to catch matt and mike's new blog. I haven't been able to get on very much and read, or write. And mike, I don't mind the onion excerpts. They are a quick funnies, without me doing any work.
It seems like with TV (just for me) I find myself having to do too much work to enjoy the show, rather than just being a lazy blob staring at it. I think all this intellectual life these past years of teaching ---I'd rather be productive ---WEIRD I KNOW :)
Besides this ramble, I TOTALLY DIS...LIKE tv. It drains any creativity I have at the end of the day ----I WILL SCRAPBOOK INSTEAD!!!!
Hey!, besides seemingly depressing lyrics, Koufax "Saturday's Alone" is the best beebop song for me this week. You know beebop your head around and smile type! I'm sure you alls are sick of the album, but I finally got it ripped for the IPOD situation.
Oh yeah, noise for pretend, chalk boy ----goooood. These couple musics have inspired me to get out more and explore "my music". Tired of the same cds and music over and over. Need new albums....need NEW NEW NEW finds eh?
PS! Justin and mike ---watch the mail (matt and tracey soon too), but can you (justin or mike) send me like 5 blank cds from my pile i left in mike's room. And like burn Amelie onto one too:) PLLEEEEASE. I love that music, and didn't get it onto my new IPOD either.
Well, sounds like the parents are really liking it out in Aff! Excellent! God is good to that safety!
And, I think Casey and I are going snowboarding this Saturday with a school function, but so not a part of the school function. You pay 15 bucks and ride up on a charter, then the norm pay for rentals. We don't have to chaperone or anything, just freelance it up there.
BUTTTTTT, let's not speak to soon, b/c we know how snowshoeing turned out :( Off to make a rainbow chip cake for fun, that I forgot we had in the cupboard. AND THEN.....work a little....AND THEN.....SCRAPBOOOOOOK YAHOO!!!