Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well, I saw Justin's implants finally.

It stinks our phone line is so ridiculously slow. I must watch video blogs in my classroom. It's still fun though.

This week was full of doing the scoreboard at the varsity girls bball tournament. Partly my duty, partly out of the goodness of Casey and I's heart, and partly b/c of boredom.

It's been good hanging out and recooperating from San Fran - not that there was anything to recooperate from. However, I am still sore from climbing that one steep road downtown San Fran. My hip flexors really took a beating - well maybe that was from having to practice with my team this week.

I've only had about 7 to 8 players each day of practice!

Well, it's almost 2005! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I have some great new year's resolutions going into a rough draft format right now.

Side random thought: Mom sorry to hear about the house. Those people are dumb. Don't be sad though!

In case you haven't heard (me whining all week), Casey and I basically got robbed of 2 "Christmas Packages" off our front door step last week. It happened on Christmas Eve Eve while we were in San Fran. I am sad not to get some of the unique gifts that were in them for instance: an African dress (from mom and dad), and some cool camping ornament/signs (from Casey's family).

The robbers even bought a brand new 23 inch tv from bestbuy on Sunday with the gift card they got in the stealing. Guess who was in the same exact store at the same exact time that day too?!? CASEY AND I WERE!!


The cops have a lot of evidence and leads on some guilty lady doing the same thing in a different town. But I fear there is no hope for justice!

Anyways, Casey and I have been going through the steps of getting our Alaska teaching credential, as well as preparing for resumes, etc.

At Uhaul today we found out it'll be about $900 for a 6 x 12 trailer to Alaska. We plan to utilyze our truck bed for our actual bed, bed. And as we drive the 3,100 miles and 72 hours and 6 minutes...we can pull off to the Walmart's and other old people camper havens and sleep ;) That's the plan anyways!

It's getting closer by the second! WOO!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVERYBODY! And I hope to post my YIR in my next post (or attached email).

Sunday, December 26, 2004

If you're going to San

Back and tired! Lots of fun times had in San Fran and while Ben was visiting.

We hung out, ate good food, watched tv, news, and DVDs in Chowchilla for 2 1/2 days. Then we packed up, hooked Bo up with a two room suite (the garage and the kitchen), and drove west.

It's so quick to get over to San Jose. We went to Casa de Fruta (of course), and then easily over to Santa Cruz. The traffic and people were scarce basically everywhere the whole trip west. It was nice and odd.

Just driving through Santa Cruz, we drove to San Fran on Highway 1.

That was beautiful, sunny, and wonderful. We stopped at one state park/beach and took pics of the huge long funneling waves. Made me want to SURF!

We checked into a luxurious Embassy Suites hotel in Burlingame, which is half way between San Fran and San Jose. It was nice, 10 stories, and we had a 2 room suite like Bo had in Chow. They even had free cocktails from 5:30 - 7:30 every night to any guests.

Our first night was a drive to the Golden Gate where we walked acrossed it, Casey got fearful of the swaying, suspension bridge, and Ben and I took thousands of pictures (more so me ;)

We got a good room service dinner, and just hung out and planned our Christmas Eve in the city.

Ben woke up incessantly at 5 a.m. every day and had an issue with extended bathroom time, but other than that it was very nice to hang out with him and Casey all week.

So needless to say, we got up and out the hotel door aroun 6:30 a.m. with a free shuttle to SFO airport. That's where we picked up the BART (subway system) and began our day!

First it was the Fisherman's Wharf, the barking sea lions, the super fun shops, and the Alcatrez Ferry Boat over to Alcatrez Island. We all enjoyed the tour (2nd time doing the tour for Mary), and headed back for some hiking up one of the steepest streets in that city.

Hyde Street to Lombard Street.

Huffing and puffing the whole way STRAIGHT UP A CONCRETE MOUNTAIN- we see trolly cars politely going up and down right beside us...why aren't we on one of those!??!

Well, we arrived at Lombard street which is famous for being the "crookedest street in the world". Basically it's straight down with 8 or so 90 degree turns. Weird. Cars were driving down it as we climbed down back to the normal level of the Fisherman's Wharf area.

I found an amazing tin sign shop that dad for sure would love, but others would have fun browsing too. Cool!

Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone enjoyed a great Christmas weekend! Ours was spent sleeping, recooperating, (me) organizing junk in the house, and watching movies and tv for a day going on two here Sunday night. GO COLTS huh!

Here's some funny info about my name:

Mary - Means: Bitter (hahahahahahahahaha - so fitting - shooooooot!)
Decade Popularity Rank
1900's 1
1910's 1
1920's 1
1930's 1
1940's 1
1950's 1
1960's 2
1970's 15
1980's 34
1990's 41

Monday, December 20, 2004

"Christmastime" by Michael W. Smith has quickly become the Pete and Repeat got into a boat song for me.

I skip to a 3:14 timing on it, right when bells start and a choir chimes in.

That's a good song!

Ben is here. We picked him up at San Jose Airport around 6 p.m. but his luggage was lately travelling on the next flight in. So we went to Denny's for some yummy dinner breakfast, and then went back to get his luggage.

He's funny, but I really think he's bored already. Oh well.

We hang out here a day or 2 then we're finally hitting up the San Fran and coastal world for 2 nights and 2 1/2 days. I think he's really looking forward to that.

Right now, he and Case are in Fresno shopping and will prob see a flick, while I head off into the fog world of driving an hour and 1/2 to coach up north in Stockton, CA.

Ohkayee. I personally must keep the negativity down on this one. A GAME OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK!?!? COME ON!!!!!!!!!!! Varsity I can see, but one JV game for 3 hours round trip driving...ugh but cheerio to it I suppose.

It's fun and funny that Ben says "cheerio" a lot. Growing up in Malaysia, they were taught/settled by the British. He has much respect for Brits and Brit humor. It's interesting to hear outside views of the world (from someone not all American headed and oblivious to the real world --you know like on TV).

Tracey! I'm so jealous and pumped about your Roxy luggage! YAHOO! Now let's get matching snowboards like so! Or Burton has some sweet other girl ones, that are so fun in design.

Oh by the way, today I got Joyce Meyer's Root of Rejection book! Thanks to whoever sent it!

Farewell for now! I must do a little lesson planning before preparing for the bball venture in 2 hours ;)

I'm super excited for that house mom and dad! Hope it all works out!

Friday, December 17, 2004


Or Christmas break, almost the same difference! WOO!

Great feeling!

So last night, to our embarrassment we lost 40-9.

Yeah, you heard right. SINGLE DIGIT SCORING BY US!

The good and weird thing is that we actually got a win by forfeit b/c the other team didn't show up. It's a tournament, so we advanced into next round, what have you.

Odd, so the host school suited up real quick and played us in a "scrimmage". WE GOT OUR bottoms handed to us!

Point being is we actually play the exact same team tomorrow morning. End of story for now.

This Christmas break I:
Do YIR and compile 2004 blog
Do 2nd semester lesson plans smoothly and quickly
I coach 2-3 games
I coach 3 practices
We hang with Ben and cruise the state a bit
I have a nice Christmas with Case and Bo'ey
Pack more, clean, enjoy scrapbooks
Maybe write a "reading comprehension" lesson book (so easy - could make $ on that)
Talk to fam!
Watch movies! Lotsa movies!

Have a great weekend all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Today I cussed during coaching time in the gym.

I said the word "poop" twice.

Almost simultaneously, in a row.

My severe disappointment in a tip/layup drill was solidified into excruciating anger and the word slipped out.


"Do it again, you gotta get it this time", Coach Sanford says as the young children attempt to jump, catch, and throw the ball off the back board in a tip formation.

"Make the layup at the end, MAKE THE LAYUP!"


Lotta "Ppp" at the end too. It was blatant. Real blatant and crudely opening their innocent little eyes to the caliber of coach that stood before them that day in the crispy winter gym.

Well, it didn't really go all dramatically like so....but

Dad, I have my ideas on your list from today:

1. No...Worldwide trip in a steamer ship (neat idea too scary/not enough control by me ;)

2. Yes (only to give to you or Justy) to...Lifetime season tickets to the Astros games

3. Hmm..would I have to read this...Complete collection of original first editions of everything C S Lewis wrote

4. AWESOME YES!to...Building a home in Kenya with satellite tv and internet access

5. DOUBLE AWESOME YES!to...Move to Colorado and build a log cabin home

6. Sure on...Buying enough lottery tickets to guarantee a 100m jackpot

7. Would be cool to...Finance Justin's first Hollywood movie

8. Another scary NO to...Compete in a hot air balloon race to Alaska

9. Not so much to...Fund the Chargers new stadium in Ocean Beach

10. No way to...just move...Pay someone to excavate your basement. ;)

NOW! Let the job hunt begin! What a communicating day this was!

I had to email my old Evergreen principal, and in doing so, I slopped in some quick hello's into other Evergreen pal email accounts.

Side baringly, a few Defiance College emails had to be transacted and coincided with immediate answers of hello, how are ya, how duyya do type of deals from those administrative adults.

Adults, who inevitably know my name at least from the glory days of ball.


Then this afternoon while waiting for my "pedittle" (spelling of one head light out?) to be fixed, I gabbed with my old pal Jen Mav as well as TV (other pal from DC).

I get home to embrace my pizza making permanent boyfriend named Casey, and Joan Edwards calls me! After a gab with her and Brucey, another Brucey calls.

Yeah, Gramps, and I'm talking immediately after I push the hang up thing.

Peace for now. Happy HannukChristmaQuanzMas to you all! Heh, HA! I just saw a funny commercial mixing all the holidays into one song greeting!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Year in Review

Tonight I'm thinking about how I shall compile my entire 2004 blog onto Microsoft word - well really I'm thinking of how I get to compile it into my nice new red and silver necklace that transports data to and fro computers!

;) to dad on that one! I feel like Get Smart or Inspector Gadget, Austin Powersly like so!

Speaking of, I know for sure that an Austin Powers DVD set will be a big seller next Christmas. Mark my words. And that would be a fun, and somewhat pointing fingers to the 3rd one, shameful ownership on my behalf one day.

So, the year in reviews! First of all Justin, thanks for starting that tradition! WOO! Good for all, good for personal reasons, good for family records. Yeah, I'm all about the family recording. Too fun with scrapbooks, and now our actual thoughts!? NICE!

I found my first and 2nd YIR in my many piles of trying to get organized before Casey's pal Ben gets here Sunday.

My first one was expectantly unorganized and drab. My 2nd one was too short, yet funnily set to Chantel Kreviazuk's song, "This Year".

By the way, that somehow reminds me: I want copies of everyones this year. The last 2 years I have cut and pasted the blog postage and that's fine for this year.

I'm just mad at myself for not more efficiently printing them off each year!

Anyways, I'm getting my YIR rolling this week!

Here's some movies I want to see/own one way or another:
1. The Incredibles (yah, silly :)
2. National Treasure (cheese sure)
3. Ocean's 12 (even though I heard it was boring)
4. Finding Neverland (ah, pleasant)
5. Aviator (hope it doesn't disappoint - I'm into it for some reason)
6. The Village! LOVED every minute of it! (comes out in January)

Well, thanks to dad tonight, this blog was brought to you by the Neverland Soundtrack. Very good! It reminds me of Amelie, Christmas, good family times, Chocolat, and Fazoli's all at the same good time.

If you could imagine all that rolled into a nice little packaged ball of a cd. Beautiful! Farewell, tata, tuttles for now :)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Nice sleepy weekend!

All gifts are on their way or being sent tomorrow! That's a good feeling, considering Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! :)

We went to Merced for an oil change in the truck, and got to relax at Panda Express and Barnes and Noble.

So awesome to check out the log cabin mags!

I got several Christmas cds (burned) from Dad on Friday, and that was great! Thanks again!

We almost saw National Treasure, but I fell asleep.

Casey's friend Ben will be here next Sunday, and will fly out Christmas day. I'm just looking up Alcatraz tickets on the internet tonight. Plus, perhaps a hotel.

Bo'ey might be on his own for a night :) He'll be sad, but he'll do fine.

That's all for now!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

That was a good Thursday.

I've started this thing where I try to pray before I touch an ounce of work or papers on my desk in the morning. I try to bow even. It's humbling.

It's silencing to my busyness. It's a blessing from Him.

So, a lot of fun things have been sprouting into each day whether it be school/coaching related or shopping/family related.

Monday night my JV team won by 1 point and it was stressfully angering to be in the company of the "arrogant, shovanist (sp?)" referees. HORRIBLE.

I almost forgot for a second during the game, that those people are what ruin the sport for me as a coach. No other comments are going to fuel that slop. After that second in the game of realizing my anger, I flashed back to last year when I decided those zebra things aren't worth fitting over.

Anyways, I have good little athlete's again, but they're all 5'4' or shorter it seems. I feel like a giant out here @ 5'6"-ish. Then again I am teaching teenagers not adults, duh.

Other fun things are:]
A quick and fun Fall Sports Banquet last night. My seniors got me a makeover type of gift with make up brushes, a curling iron, etc. It was fun, silly, and harmless. Many of the parents were very openly appreciative and I abruptly accepted their compliments as graciously as I could.

I ran to Toledo tonight - I mean Fresno for my last bit of shopping. OFFICIALLY COMPLETED NOW!

There's a couple more I need to get ordered online-ish but they won't be on time for the holidays. I hope noone is offended by that ;)

Tomorrow at school I show movies of novels again. YES! And there is a championship football game rally the last hour of school!

Guess who's not paying to go sit in the 30 degree whether all night tomorrow, when the only thing that matters is the final score?!?

That's right! ME!

I'm going to organize my scrapbook stuff to do over Christmas break. I got myself a nice new 12 x 12 clear plastic sheet scrapbook from Michaelis last weekend for only $6. It's going to be my new "Adventure/Race Scrapbook"

Gotta go to sleep now! Happy Friday everybody! p.s. to anyone who cares I finally got the dream coat of a lifetime to me ever: a nice pea coat. I know cheesy but a great feeling to finally get. It was even 20% off b/c 4 buttons were missing.

I just went to Joann's and spent $4, sewed some new ones on, and BLAMO! Brand new!

"they got me some doses of novocane and pot" - video blog hilarity

Yesterday I got a neat letter in the mail from Dad. Thanks!

I also sent some Christmas gifts to 1040! Look for those next week ;)

It's settled for Christmas break everybody:

Casey's friend Ben is coming out for 5 days and we'll explore Yosemite, hang out, eat great food, and then my favorite idea yet...

Go to San Fran, Alcatrez, eat somewhere sweet, maybe go to the San Fran Museum of Contemporary Art (called something else cool I can't think of), and we'll stay in a very cool hotel in San Jose.


Well, today is where I show the movie of the novels we've slaved over for 6-8 weeks, and then review for exams. COASTING into next week's exams and it is finished!

Have a great Thursday! Thinking of you all!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Okay, mom! A house!

Very exciting, are you getting into serious mode if this has the right price and time frame?


So, today I had a good memory of going through and getting to know all of dad's 45s in the basement. This memory came about as I heard, and blasted Tommy James and the Shondells, Sweet Cherry Wine!


I've got to get out my "audio tape" mixes and redownload and mix them into cd format.

Yes! I would so enjoy that hobby time.

Matt I find your pinata excitement hilarious and awesome! Everytime my college house had a party (not bad ones, come on yous:)or anyone at all said they were coming over, I would immediately suggest a pinata.

After their boohoos, and "no, not this time Mary we just had one", I would get one anyways.

And then it would sit in the kitchen non-used till I could find someone silly mooded up to fling into action. The only stupid thing was the cat we had to live with. That's the end of that memory.

Well, I just got back from a teacher meeting where the "Elite Students Club" (not really called that) get us food and we eat a lot.

Now, I'm off to complete my Varsity Coaching Tennis duties with:

The Fall Sports Banquet! Ah, yes! A chapter closes in Chowchilla history for me :)

"the clock never stops, never stops, never waits..." Annie Waits, Ben Folds

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Happy Holidays!

I braved the shopping scene everybody! And let me tell you, it was wild with so, so, so many people out there! Ahhhh!

It was fun too! I was out from 11 a.m. till 9 p.m. on Saturday, and then it was a big 11 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. today.


Everybody be watching the, but I do wish all the non-family members an excellent holiday season as well! Glad to be in touch with you all one way or another!

In case anyone (fam-wise) is super nerdy with the vacuum bag idea I gave out...

Here is a webpage example in reference to Family Travel Pack - 4 Bags ($28)

And yeah! I see Tracey's Christmas list!

I am completely done Christmas shopping, except a little Casey, and one gift exchange on his side of the fam.

What about Gramps? I'm having trouble...

Well, I'm watching the ever so relaxing A Charlie Brown Christmas DVD. That cartoon is so peaceful and slow - not boring, slow :) for real.

First bball game to coach tomorrow night! WOO! Will report early this week on the excitement! Talk to yous later.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Hot tomale! Hot tomale!

Wow and yummy!

Our old neighbor came over tonight and dropped off some truly authentic (Mexican) and wonderful tomales! They are so, so good and unbelieveble tasting! They were very cool neighbors who got married a month after us, moved across town, and all that jazz what have you.

So, this week is quite overworkedly...hmm...

It's a good hard working week though, one where you can see that Christmas light at the end of the 2 week tunnel.

I'm back to an old procrastinating night by night lesson planning. Stinko! Okay-o!

Today I got a special surprise from dad in the mail: Casey's video games and A Charlie Brown Christmas DVD! YES!

That was so great, thanks dad!

Matt, I'll send out your game box tomorrow or Friday. What?! Friday is that close, that it can even be mentioned like so?!

That's good news!

Well, I'm thinking and praying for Justin's time tomorrow!

Tracey, I liked your cabin recap the best! Oh and I forgot to mention the awesomeness of your "love" blog Justin. Amazing!

Dad was that really a BGSU "Ideal" truck?

Gotta do some midnight lesson plans now! They're always the best, literally, for real.

When I do things in 5-10 minutes they are 110% better than if I sit and think and think and blablableeeeeeeee

Peace for now! p.s. Michelle I've found that eating 3 candy bars for dinner is not a good thing. That's some fitness/nutrition info for ya! HA! For real though, all your info was super interesting to me! Feel free to run that info in and out of your blog as much as you want! Nice! By the way, "Hello, how have you been?" - that's from me to you and your fammy fam fam.

(wish I could meet Hannah)