Monday, January 31, 2005

Mike, I was just browsing thru your archives to see some of those tshirts you wanted for Christmas and I saw the Saturday, November 6 entry!

I realized that that picture you put on your entry was probubly Karnov the video I right?

Anyways, was there any tshirts you didn't receive for Christmas that you would want for bday time?! Or are those old now in your mind!

Yeah, so, I have been budgeting all night for fun things, and you, J, and mom's bdays will be here before we know it!


Earlier tonight I wrote.......(see below)........

Monday the day of all days, is OVER! WOO!

Whatta productive one that was! Practice, pizza, meetings!

Tomorrow we have a big game against horse women, round two! Wish us good thoughts and victory!

So, dad, I ordered you a cool shirt and gramps a crew sweatshirt. If anyone else wants a short sleeve, long sleeve, or sweatshirt that says Chowchilla Basketball let me know. Wasn't sure if anyone wanted in on that cheesyness, just let me know via email and I'll hook you up with hilarity!

Well, actually that's your birthday presents this year Justin, Mike, and mom! HAAAHAAHHAHAHHA! Jk.

But really, what have you all had your eye on? Justin, would it be okay if send home Mike's with you on spring break? It'll just be a new G8 megapixaled laptop 276 inch flat screen/laptop that's he's been wanting. I figure you can fit that in your purse. Not that you have a purse!

So, I've finally gotten Gwen Stefani's new album, only it's not what you would positively think about Itunes downloading...!

One of my students ripped it for me b/c I was whining about Itunes not working:

"Well, I guess I've payed for it anyways...yeah! Burn it for me!"

It's a little too hip hoppy, 80's-esque/Chinese and Indian sounding. It's nice to have music and I'll enjoy it in certain moods. I only wish noone else knew or liked them b/c mainstream is annoying. Well, I'm talking about just my MTV generation teenybopper students on that. UGH!

I cannot stand Ashlee Simpson. Although I sometimes sing her songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!

Speaking of other music, Dad I'm still reviewing that cd you sent me! Thanks again!

Well, I got my glasses today. They are normal and good to wear with only me in the room.

What else, could these words bore you with: I GOT UP AND RAN A MILE THIS MORNING! As with eating, supposedly working out within an hour of wake up, does the body good. Well, from experience last weekend I would say that's super harsh to me after sleeping 12+ hours in past noon.

Last night: we went to Panda Express and then to the neighboring Barnes and Noble. I got a super cool "correspondence kit" to share with my buddy Brook? Does she read this? If so, I have spoiled it ;(

Other than that, Casey got a novel called Murder on the Iditarod Trail, and I got a huge photo-journal book of Alaska for $3.75. Cool!

Ta-ta, apples and chocolate to all (I mean between me and myself) ! ;)

p.s. Matt I wasn't aware that Tupac was in Digital Underground, or I guess maybe just under their label (?) I learned that from a student's "Musical Poet". Back in the day Digital Underground! Back in the day.

Friday, January 28, 2005

"It's true...I pray for you..."-Ken Stringfellow

So, it's Friday once and for all! Even though it's still wintery, I'm wearing flip flops every day, and I did that illegally in Ohio any ways though! HA! Just not a closed toe type of dresser upper. Good in Cali, dumb in that Ohio snow!

That's the first thing Casey's mom noticed and remembers about me. Okay!

I started a new book last night. Chapter 1 and 10 are completed! And all this as Dad finishes his! NICE!

Well, I wanted to write a bit, but I have really written so that I can go to my page and onto other blogs without getting it all up in the computer's hard drive history and/or deletedness. Just protective of our privacy I suppose.

On to the teaching day! It's a "Musical Poet" day where the students share their music with us all. Hope it's not stupid music! HA! By the way, I need to get some lyrics from Mike and Justin...unless you don't want me to play your muzak in class.

Sometimes a student or so chooses not to do their Musical Poet project and I have to fill in ;)

"Maybe even end up burnt...fried....and set aside." Justin Edwards

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

And the blogging award winner is Bruce Edwards, Jr!

It's been good reading your thoughts dad. And Matt, and J I caught your last video of hilarity! I played it for my class, hope that's cool. I won't play your personal ones for them though, no worries --or one's with implants.

Oh, yah! I just saw Mike's new one. NICE FUNNY PICTURE! HA!

I'll bet choo all wanted a blog frequency report?!?

By the way, I think Frequency is a good, touching movie. I'd like to own that. And onto a connection between actors...(The Rookie)...Hey what if our son someday is the one who's suppose to make it to the majors? I've thought about that. Maybe,...maybe. No pushing though, God's will and our son's desire.

Not that a son would be in the picture for a long while though eh, no mistaken that ;)

I've been bred and trained to be an athletic supporter through all these years though right!?! HAHAHAHAHA!

Next topic: let's all pray that Casey gets a hugely paying job, and Mary gets free from teaching forever, and gets to write books.

Okay, okay, I can take one more

Right now, Casey and I just got back from my game.

It was a win. A big win against a stinky team.

Casey does the scoreboard/clock, and I do the obnoxious yelling. Not too annoying tonight though, hopefully for the gym sitters.

So have I mentioned that I'm getting more and more super pumped for our Vegas February outing! Only 17 school days until the excitement. And yes, I have a countdown on my board for that, and of course spring break too!


Right now, I'm watching "A Street Car Named Desire"'s okay and black and white, we'll see how it plods along...Marlon Brando is entertaining, and I like the 50s scenes.

And as I watch the Casemeister skips to his loo in beddy bye time. Me: Night owl. Him: early morning baseball practicio.

What else, what else. Oh so the sun was out today. It was literally awesome! Felt like spring, and time to move! Well, talking about the weather, I suppose that's a sure sign to sign off!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Seems like long time no blog.

Whatta week. The shortened week that would never end! Heh! It gets harder and harder to come back to school once Christmas break hits, don't you think?

This week:

My team won sloppily taking us to 3-2 in the league. Tomorrow we play the 100 times more horse women of Yosemite High School. It'll be cool to look back on the Chowchilla days in reference to playing Yosemite. The Nat'l Park!

Busted out Divine Discontent tonight. Too good, too good.

Today I had an eye appt. b/c my eyes have been so weak wimp! But it's just overworkingly stress on them. The doctor said everything's fine, yet prescribed "reading glasses" for close-up, detail work.

Sorry for that boringness there ;)

So did Brian Merrit win? I guess I could read the website to see when it ends. Hope he wins. He's funny.

I'm outta words now, I used them all up in small talk at the eye doctor. Our cool old neighbor works there! Later!


Sunday, January 16, 2005

I've been reading about Tunisia.

Interesting culture. I found the it reminscent of Mombasa, simply by viewing their resort type pictures.

The shopping looks interesting, yet dealing with bargaining would be irritating in my opinion. This item sounded cool: "authentic Berber bracelets" or leather jewelry. If you remember Dad, can you pick me up one - one of the cheapest ones and most simple in design - no gautyness.

Apparently some get very elaborate with silver and other things woven into them. Like I said though, the cheapest ones would be neat enough for me ;)

My dad, the world traveler! (Mom are you going though?)

Tonight we watched the Colts lose. And we were only able to catch the highlights of the LeBron game. No visual of Matt, but Gramps thought he caught a glimpse of Matteo - only if he's was wearing a red shirt though! HA!

Tomorrow! NO SCHOOL! Have a good day everyone!

Saturday, January 15, 2005


The best game of the season happened last night!

We lost by one point (31-30), but really played amazing! ARGH! I myself got pretty into it emotionally and intensely on the refs and on the team! It was all worth it, and nothing to be regretted! Just intense! I couldn't see straight!

That was one of the few times in life when I think about blood pressure and realize how such extreme anger and frustration can boil the blood! OOOoooo! And the other times that happened was last year coaching bball ;)

All that, and after last night, I really love my team. It hit me a bit that I will never see them again after this year. Too sad. Too good too, though.

So, it's the 3 day weekend that we all deserve after slaving back from Christmas break! Thus, far I've spent it sleeping till 1 p.m. and opening packages from REI, and from Dad! Thanks Mike, Mom, and Dad for the gifties!

Well, I must go off to the school to get rid of work so I can not think about work until Tuesday! Happy weekend everybody! And I'll be looking for Matt and Tracey Sunday night! Go Colts too!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Got some sweet surprise gifts in the mail/email last weekend.

One from Mike from REI! WOO! Already spent, I'll send ya a pic of what I bought! Heh!

And then one we got in the mail yesterday from Justin!

MILBORNES YEAH! Thanks you brothers! Thanks!

So, hey, a win's a win! Right?!

Did some good things in the game tonight, but did some slop too.

Tomorrow, in our back to back next game, we play the powerhouse of the league.

The one I've been talking about for a week and a half, and the game that got cancelled last week due to a power outage.

Anyways, today was very productive. And tomorrow is a half day. Don't you all know that 3 day weekend is in sight!!??!

Matt and Trace I'm sure are pumped, with Seatle and all!

So, Tracey: I'm gonna try and call ya again about plans - but our cell phones are both dead and the charger is lazily left at school every day.

I want to say go ahead with the Encinitas plans, but then again, I do think some Ohioans might not be to Chowchilla by that Monday or Tuesday of planning the camping.

I can't remember what they thought about being at Carl's etc. Was there an opening Wed. and Thurs. nights? (but that was the expensive camp site huh?

Best if I call both parties. Hope to do so tomorrow night --(I have a game) ---or for sure Thursday!

EITHER WAY: I'm good for the April 16th Alpine Challenge (S.D. area), and the "Strawberry Fields" Santa Cruz county one! YES!

I especially love this quote from the Santa Cruz webpage description: "Espressos and lattes at the levee, lunch at Royal Oaks, pie at Gizdich Ranch and perogi in Corralitos. A good ride for the accomplished weekend warrior."

OH YEAH! All that for only $35 or so! (can't register until the end of Jan.)

The May one will be my farewell adventure outing with you! :( So sad! P.s. have you seen this webpage: for adventure racing teams, advice, events!

And this sounds so cool, but I don't know when it is:

Happy mid week to you all! Bye bye now!

Saturday, January 08, 2005


Dad's writing about you was touching. I'm glad my older brother is you! Live it up!

Severe tire damage,....TMBG.... I mean severe wind knocked power out from Merced to Fresno yesterday at 1 p.m.


But our game got cancelled and we were so ready to win and have a team outing to Subway ;)

Oh well, next week we'll be more ready for the horse team again.

So, we didn't get electric till 10 p.m. yet I slept the whole night and morning anyways. NICE!

Not much else to report! I'm off to workout finally! Weekends have to do and maybe once a mid-week, b/c of the darkness by the time bball is out every day.

Dad, your prologue to Narnia excitement was excellent! And Mike your redo Music was soooo....good!

I agree with Trace about more shorts from Justmeister! More!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Whatta week!

Long, hard working, no sleep till Brooklyn.

I've been overworking as usual trying to get 1 full semester of lesson plans ironed completely out so I can focus.

Focus on getting a job in Alaska (a job?).
Focus on getting in shape and eating right for races.
Focus on living life with more fun, and less unorganized sloppy work.

According to pay scales, it looks very blessingful that I might only have to work 1 year up there. Maybe a year and halfey! ;)

Then we can build our cabin, next summer! COME VISIT (and before) SUMMER 2006 EVERYBODY!!!

Looks very super promising that the Jeep will be ours in Marchey or so! SO PUMPED ABOUT IT!

Acutally so pumped about these whole last 5 mos. in Caleefornia.

Several things to sneak in before we move like adventure events, couple special visits to Sonics and In and Outs! HA! No more like: Vegas, San Fran again, Santa Cruz (hopefully with an event), SD surfing and wahooey's and chillin, Yosemite one more time prob.

There is severe snow this year and the spring will bring such "wild and scenic Merced River" viewings. Ranger people call it wild and scenic just so ya know.

Mike, can you get me a 7" record of MSE. Will give you money.

Justin, I need your Love Project album. Will give you moola.

Side note: tomorrow I present TMBG "Bangs" as a Muscial Poet lesson plan. It kicks off students bringing in their fav. song and doing a lesson plan on it! WOO YEAH! Hopefully I'm not in a bad mood for the present! HA, hee, hee.

Jk, I'll be ecstatic pumped about that, and the biggest game of our bball year yet. We play the horse girls of Sierra High School. Huge, tall, strong, good. Beat us by a lot last year :(

Farewell all! HAPPY FRIDAY TOO! And I too, severely loathe Celion Dion.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy Anniversary and early bday to Matteo, and Traceo!

Yah! to you two being the best and funnest siblings of such elder caliber.

By the way, in thinking and analyzing where I thought you and Matt would be 7 years prior to these 7 years of happening...

I thought you'd be living in New York City working for Donald Trump as the "you're fired" emotional counselors for those kicked off the show.

What happened with all that then?

Operation "best shape of my life" is going on. Not too bad so far. It involves biking and/or running or both around 3-5 miles every other day.

Believe you me, that biking deal is such a sinch! Too bad it's dark at 5 p.m. everyday. Otherwise, "Pilates Bun and Thigh and Ab Sculpting" are slowing creeping into the lineup every couple days.

Now: I need to prepare better balanced meals.

By the way Trace, I was so close to spotting you those Pilates DVD's but I opted for a diff gift that should arrive in another week or so...and so on...did you get an email about it from the "company" I bought it from?

And OF COURSE, I'm still on for Spring Break ;) March 20-26 are the days I have off! - mom and dad keep that in mind if you were going to come out then, b/c I'd be in SoCal!

Really getting into the mellow quality of The Concretes, finally.

Good to read new blogs! And I even watched Justin's blog while it was current! YAH!

But that means...I've been at school for such ventures.

First day back, and I'm all organized so it's cake, but still...

Come on.

Getting up before noon?! What the world?!

Well, I haven't felt like blogging really either, and I have "league" bball to focus on entirely too much. All fun though - divert's my attention away from the reality of this hustle and bustle job! HA!! Jk, what an easily controllable profession.

Should be in bed. Super sleepy. Bye, bye!