Monday, September 29, 2003

CONGRATS RYAN AND MICHELLE! A new baby girl creation from God! AWESOME!

So, today I was looking back at my 2002 October blogs to see what I was doing last year at this time.

But then, more fun-ly, I went to some other people's archives and remembered a year ago with them all over again.

It's quite weird, and fun to have such a record now of each other and our own thoughts.

One of Dad's funnies was some Christmas ideas: "Five words: Mobil. Green Lantern. Land Rover."

Mom was talking about joining blog ranks and missing people on Thanksgiving.

Justin had a hilarious "Barrel Yohanason, leader of TRAC" pictured in his Nov. And made up some fake BGCC softball cards in Oct.

Mike was introducing himself as "Dr. Michael Edwards" to someone just for an adventure. And of course jamming it up with Benji!

Trace, Over the Rhining it as well as Hodad enjoyment!

Looking at Matt's, I just found this way lower statement on Matt's current blog page, "I'm a First Century Boy". Oooh..kay...Weird and funny:)

And last year at this time Matt was getting ready for Justin to viz and enjoying a Midtown concert.

Well it's been fun reading oldies and newies today! Odd to report on, but apparently I have time on my hands :)

And Kim (Miles) Conaway where's your blog?! No freeloading now...and that goes for other (unknown readers).

Make yourself known! BLOG! PEACE OUT!

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Talked to mom and dad today on their anniversary! Wow, 30 years! Awesome.

Feeling better about life, wah, wah to me, as I lifted it up to God.

Whining. That's gotta be outlawed :)

Saw Lost in Translation. I liked it. Slow, but I liked it. Good music!

Casey went to see School of Rock at the same time, but there was like 2 seats in the entire theater left (we were a little late). So he comes walking into Lost in Translation.

It's October! YES! We are officially getting a dog in December. It'll be born this week or something and taken care of for these 2 or so months.

OUT OF DEBT TUESDAY! YES! Hope Matt had a blast and to everyone else have a good week.

Friday, September 26, 2003


Friday, and our next paycheck in a few days will completely clear ALL credit card EVIL!

We hope to sell the bug, bla, bla, bla and GET THE TRUCK soon, please Lord.

So right now I'm going running, b/c I've decided not to be this pale in CALIFORN-I-A!

Then I'm off to a ladies' night of Bunko. Hilarious and fun. Hope I win some money.

Casey will eat pizza and "Enjoy the Silence" (minus the Depeche Mode song) of no students, school, or commotion tonight. :) Have a good long, fun weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 25, 2003


It seemed like a completed week, like a Friday today, and then I got home and all those interesting blogs to read.

That's fun!

It's still pretty cool to think it's Friday, and then the next day actually is Friday. Almost like 2 Fridays, but you know, not.

Sent off Mom and Dad's Anni gift! It won't get there till Monday! So stretch out your celebration till then.

Well....really stretch it out till Nov. b/c that's more of a gift too!

I heard from Anna Wahrman yesterday, and that was fun!

Other than that! Enjoy your amazing Thursday night! I know Matt and the 1040 shall be doing so!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Today was good.

I'm feeling uplifted with life after reading some people's blogs and talking to mom and dad last night :)

School is laquidaisical in a very good way.

Well, nothing else to write, that's pretty weak I know. peace!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Feeling trapped today. You'd like to think it was a concrete jungle trapped feeling, b/c at least some city loving feeling could absorb, but no.

It's school walls, and the smallest duplex in the world walls. Everyday. My eyes googleling in spaze back & forth in work, wondering if this is the point....

Such emo there, such truth. This weekend has got to be the coast or the mts.

Justin, I meant to tell you the other month, that printing up your blogs in one big packet is a good idea. An instant autobiography, send it to the publisher ----but not before you send your other ingenius writings of creativity.

Mike, how can I get your songs to stay on my hard drive, instead of just playing from the pseudo webpage?

Tracey I'm pumped for your home depot pursuits! And what to a bday prez? YAHOO!!

Love you all! peace

Monday, September 22, 2003

A good Monday over here.

Earthly pain, what is that?

Caught this Dave Mathews video called "Gravedigger" where he partly tells a story of a mother who had to bury both sons during WWII.

How in the world? What way is it possible to ever complain about pain I've endured here on earth, when those truths are there?

The last 3 or so generations have no clue do we? Everything so easy, so convienient and just ridiculously easy.

Yet I complain in my head and outloud?! THAT FLESH!

There's things I want to do and not do, but there's no way to succeed in me.

So I'll Phillipians 4:13 it with the spirit of the Lord leading my flesh (the body, the mind, the heart). Not the other way.

Just a thoughtbit and here's a good quotebit:

"We have lots of things in soup....talking and not talking..................we could not talk or talk forever, and still find things to not talk about." ---Best in Show

Sunday, September 21, 2003

(new pic posted--->)

Yesterday we went to PETsMart in Fresno and explored that world of animal kingdom. We should have a puppy by December or January from the state of Washington.

Mom, Tracey, or anyone, are you ever going to get a dog? Just wondering b/c I knew I've heard you guys say that you might one day.

Anyways, Lost in Translation was not in the area. Did anyone see it? That girl from Ghost World is co-starring with Bill. She's cool, but seemed weird in this role.

We'll see sometime. Well, I just got back from Merced Costco and I bought a 6 ft by 4ft plastic table for sewing and scrapbooking.

Also, doubling as our NEW PING PONG TABLE. That's right Edwards fans I stole, or just kept, that old Nerf ping pong set where you can play on any table, ya know? YES!

I'm also researching Double Shot Arcade basketball hoop. Click to the right, to see one I'm looking to get someday ---when we have a house and a gaming room.

Dad and bros, look at the old school baseball game on that website too. Perfect for J and Brad's place, HA! Or Matt's man room --- if he has one :)

OH MY! Those of you who have seen in Chicago or Vegas, the ESPN Zone mini bowling, you can get two mini lanes installed in your house.

You don't want to know how much ($18,000), but the website is hilarious with house floor plans that have the 2 lanes installed in their basement game room.

Tracey, besides Guffman box set, what else would you want for your bday?

Friday, September 19, 2003

"Hee..r..h, yooou guyeees!", Sloth from Goonies once said.

I put up a new picture.

And Justin, excellent rendition of our communicating miscommunicating those old mornings. Hilarious!

Off to school ON A FRIDAY! We bike to school every day now :)

Thursday, September 18, 2003

It's probubly bad and good that the worst class I have all day is a class I have to cover for the tennis coach---this fall season.

Praise the Lord I only have to be with them for 7 more class periods.

Casey is looking into getting two Karelian Bear Dog puppies from some "pure bred" breeders in Washington state.

It'll be a change for me ---only having experienced Babe as an animal.

Fortunately, Casey (as do I completely) agree that it seriously would never be in our house ever----as we will convert our garage and back yard.

And when the dream of our truck rolls around in a couple months, those doggies will never be in the human seating part :)

I feel I will grow to love them (one boy and one girl being the goal of Casey's), and they will be especially beneficial to the wilderness protection from bears and mt. lions.

Well The Sounds are rocking out my days! Can't wait till I can spot their muzak from Matt and Trace's concert going.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

"The camel, sir, is real," said Rebekah. "Because I never have such pungent stinks in my dreams."

A funny from the Orson Scott Card Rebekah. Anybody read that book?

Go Justin! Keep pushing your dreams dude! And everyone too! And that Mr. Freeze pic was sweet of Mike.

Man, I'm feeling the duty, the place the Lord has me here in this Chow teaching world. Good stuff.

Yet, is it wrong to long for something more dynamic. I feel so confined by time, by rules, by people at this school, at any school.

Need some loosy goosy living, some "free as a bird" spirit living....some kind of writing, some kind of outdoor existence...some kind of travel pursuit.

What is it though? I DON'T KNOW! And that makes me angry. Is it possible to have too many interests?

Got some "free business cards" finally after years of Justin telling me about the freeness.

I'll send some off with letter formations to accompany sometime soon, my friends and fam.

Matt I'm pumped to check out The Sounds.

Got new running shoes today, so I'm off!

Monday, September 15, 2003

It's over again. Monday that is, and it seems like I just said that. The weeks go fast, and we are 1/8 of the school year over.

Mike you can't answer the question of mine about your own song!? That song rules though!

Mom, I hope you're still into fabric dying next time we're around Ohio...why didn't we do that when I was there for A MONTH!? That month went fast.

I will run a 3.1 mile race on Sunday in San Fran. If I beat enough dudes (& dudettes) dressed up like a "Jamba Juice" Bananas, I can win a TV, money, and other various goodies.

Coooooool! Except I haven't registered for the race yet, so...

To end here are some secular lyrics Cardigan style:

"If you live, you will learn. And I live, and I learn.
I've got...I've got it now"

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Went to the mountains all day! Found an exciting campground with a small lake you cross (like by canoe) to a FREE rustic CAMPGROUND!

We're pumped for that!

Matt and Trace, I hope you're able to get snail mail at your new condo by now! Watch out for something coming your way! YES!

I must nap! p.s. my pic links are messed up till I make them smaller for uploading :)

Saturday, September 13, 2003

I added even more pics to my pic page. Mostly Alaskan ones for Matt and Trace (or others who have not seen yet). Enjoy!

Slept from 5 pm to 7 am. Now, we're going to the mountains to explore "hike in" campgrounds.

Matt and Trace, we'll need to hit the Santa Cruz Islands sometime too. (of course talk, talk, talk...but adventures shall happen).

I think that would be the ultimate of "hike in" camping on an island!

Carl's moving! WHO WILL BUY HIS HOUSE! MOM AND DAD please, pleeeeeeease buy it!? It's where we can all meet!

Ah, ha. Mike the picture before the concussions and neck injuries---"Let's go sledding everyone!" That was fun though!

I had a dream about going back to Warren Dunes; the big, long "hike to the lake" dune was all changed in shape. Basically the same though, so everyone and I hiked it with glee & hard work.

Then at the top of it there was another little lake that had formed, and people were surfing in that pond, with the comparison of the real lake still 1/2 mile off.

Weird, and I miss that place.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

My setting: a puny, closet, computer lab. Badly Drawn Boy soothing the day away. a fan to ensure the most extreme comfort w/out the AC ($90 electric bills are a no,no).

New VW tires! It's a whole different car! In relation to that, Casey's quote:

"I think maybe we should wait till Alaska to get the state taxes and all..." Um....whatever my man! :)

At school, somebody annoymous put this 3 pg. 9/11 pure WEIRD propaganda paper together speaking AGAINST the US in regards to an incident like 9/11 in Chile, in the year 1973.

Long story short, our principal is investigating who put this on our campus, and WHY.......definitely odd.

Here's my Evergreen memory of 9/11. I was teaching 2nd period and the principal came over the announcements. He said, "Attention staff and students.......(long pause).....the World Trade Center in New York City was just attacked by terrorists."

I don't remember the rest of his talk, and the students and I were both silent, and then they started asking me questions. I had no clue, so I tried to get some reception on the "non-cable" tv. We got a very staticky half fuzz picture of the world trade center.

Some students tried to be funny and talk about going after the terroists and killing them. But they were just 13 year olds being immature.

I myself was quiet, and soaking it in. That night I called Casey and he had barely found out b/c of power outage or other tv weirdness. We talked, but mostly just sat on the phone together.....wondering what this was about.

I remember both of us saying how he was much safer up on that island than any of us down here....unless an entry would happen thru Russia. We were worried.

Worried that our life would not unfold together. I, like Justin, still don't get it. And don't presume much at all about it still. It, the Iraq stuff, politics...they are confusing and I don't believe you ever EVER get the real story.

So the Lord and I grew closer, as I began to truly realize He is the only true story I need. For a few weeks only though b/c then I went back to my sinning and cussing and throwing eggs at cars going by my Sylvania apartment.

Sorry about that ending. It was too serious; I had a good day, and knowing the Lord is good enough to melt 9/11 worries away. Although my heart goes out to those who were lost.

So Mike, Baby Hot Dogs immediately put a smile on my face. Can't wait to hear it. And your "Who AM I to you?, Who is the Lord to us alone" discussion was very heart piercing truth.

Matt "an attack on my dreams" really gets to a deep part of 9/11 for me too. Thanks for putting that into words.

YAH a BUCKET surprise. Here's how it went down:

read Justin's blog, go to matt's, back to J's for next link, and now there are buckets!

Justin: ".....unwaveringly.... I am not dead yet, so I still hold on." THAT IS GOOD STUFF!

MY DAD! Hernia? Why do you not discuss these things with your daughter?

How come Chantel was the "Uncool song quote of the week"?

Also, you said "the sun isn't enough?" for us bored people....and THAT'S THE THING!

With it always sunny, I am bored with anything (WORK) that is indoors. With my Sweedish blood (although I do not despise) my tan goes in a couple days without a revitalizing suntime once a week or so.

Should a pale worn out teacher be so vain in tan desires? Cali? YES! GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING is what my heart screams all the time.

Welp, finally charged my pod. Funny how that was in the back of my mind for 2 days. The thought of being w/out the music. can't have that. For now: A mullet sitcom. I'm there.

"just to see you on the other side...." What song starts out with that?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Man, I'm worn out. Is it Friday?

Looks like Matt got a major beaming for his crossbow mishap :)

Working tooooo hard, that's a promise. I'm trying to do too much in a day, and I know it. That's worse to know you're doing it.

So, we put the bug in an auto mag to hit valley weirdos Monday. Hope it goes b/c we're tired of it being our excuse for not going to the mts. or san fran what have you.

It has a flat tire ---just 50,000 miles flat type of tire. We are getting new tires put on tomorrow.

This one was boring. I'm feeling bored this week. That must be a disease going around. First Justin admitting it....

Oh, so I got a letter from Jenny Mavis today. Yah to that at least :) I'm out.

School is wiping me out. I try to do too much in a day. It's SOO annoying b/c I know I'm doing it, but cannot stop!

Also, I found out: I have to do an absolutely STUPID "first year teacher training", even though I did one in Ohio. And hi! IT'S MY 4th YEAR OF TEACHING!?!

Since Alaska just gave casey his special ed cert, he doesn't have to do it. Lucky.

Well, I will try to get out of it for the next few months, and maybe we'll move anyway next summer.....

I'm going running. Mom, I would like to see what a "Dyeing in Plastic Bags." example picture would look like. :)

I slept 5 hours this afternoon, so now it's 12:48 am! Casey had jury duty today, which he said was really pointless.

Matt did you know Outkast loves the Amelie sdtrk & movie? I read that in Spin. Do you think its influencing what you've heard so far?

I think I'll get the cards(igans) new one at Tower in Fresno this weekend :) Will burn and send your way.

Oh and mom, I hope you're sewing up a storm on that Crossbow! HAAHHAHAHAHHA! It makes such amazing quilts Matt, just wait till you see some of them.

An enjoyable read today from all yall, Justin (and everyone) don't be afraid to write more longies like so! Also, you should be a college film professor after you make it big.

ps. no matt, I did not enjoy the "pretty gut" descript. GROSS! :)

Monday, September 08, 2003

Monday. It's over.

Dad's blog was best! Here's some things I enjoyed most: "Would we look like dorks?(at Jacob's Field)"

"and pants—I could pick the length, long or shorter. I took long."

Also, the description of the 30 yr. olds bringing aluminum bats! HA!

And great pics! Can't wait to see pics and hear the real action this January! Dirt batting cages!? GREAT CLEATS! Are they high enough for the ankle support?

So Mike & Justin! You get to go to SIXPENCE!? I'm so jealous! Do report on it later :)

Matt, total agreement on the new Outkast songs. He (they) is sweet!

Bringing Down the House was truly a mistake. Sad part: we purchased it b/c it was only $4 more dollars than renting!

ARGH! Blockbuster monopoly here in town!

I like how you use "epic" to describe certain things. And "(getting a) haircut so that I can look pretty for Jeb’s wedding" was a riot.

Oh Justin and Mike, as soon as you cut the cd, send it over here!

So not much to report on my behalf obviously. It's a good thing you guys had cool stuff to react to! mamamia, I'm out!

Sunday, September 07, 2003

I talked to my dad today :) I mean not just my dad, my CLEVELAND INDIANS TEAM MEMBER dad!

Tracey I added onto your "bridal shower" scrapbook today. That book rules! Thank you so much!

Gilmore Girls as a means of entertainment? Yes. I know, dorky.

But really I'm going to finish my JEAN QUILT ONCE AND FOR ALL TOOOOONIGHT!

(mom can you just stop by so the sewing machine automatically acts perfect?) checkya

Friday, September 05, 2003


AND JUSTIN! I'm totally sorry I put that sarcasm on my blog about your list! I completely didn't hate your list. I was just feeling rambunctious about it after I saw Trace and Mom's comments on it.

Stupid, Rude! I apologize ---should've put "jk" on it. Of course no way to hating it, I thought it was especially endearing, honest, and awesome!

Especially the last one where you hope she doesn't see the list until 10 years later and says "hey I'm not any of these".

I have a list like that too, I should dig it out and see how Case compares!

Enough ramble. It is retracted and I am talking to you live in an hour to apologize in reality! Have a great Friday everyone!

Thursday, September 04, 2003

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! My one and only father! We love you and hope to catch you tomorrow on the phone! You popular guy you!

Have fun my family. Play your min. golf heart's out with Gramps. Is it the tee off min. golf, I'm jealous? (mom I like how you abbreved min.)

Trace I hear ya on the "rude end of summer" acclaimation! UGH! I was just acting so angry the other day...and I know it was from that realization. cheesecakes mom! HOW YUM and how cute to take in to work dad :)

Oh and matt you are so Johnny Knoxville...:) Casey thinks it's so cool you look like him (w/those sunglasses), but really you look more like Bruce Edwards, Jr.


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Take a minute from you busy life and read about your sister, your daughter, your friend Mary!

So Justin (and dad and matt)! The Lord is stirring us all so similarly!

It's gotta be about Him. Always HIM calling us to HIM ALONE. Sheesh.

It's like we think we're all so unique (even though we are), & the Lord only asks us to love Him and trust Him for eternal life.

God watches us waste so much...of everything we have, and time! Oooooo...TIME.

How it bores us. How it makes us fill it up with pointless things.

LET'S JUST LIVE IT UP FOR HIM! In our pittily "jobs", or in our AMAZING DREAMS unfolding & to come. Living in the joy of the Lord, that's all we can do till He comes.

Just resting in a silent room for 10 minutes? No new Cardigan songs? No websites about Dodge trucks?

Yeah, just resting, reading about Paul's example, the stories of Jesus on earth....(OH MY! "The Passion" is going to be a great movie this easter!)

Lord...:Yooooou....! (imagine saying this with a teasing, side of the head look over to the Lord; as you watch Him unveil Himself everywhere in your life! YES!

Tracey I laughed out loud with your blog. The lady with the "WHITE PLASTIC COWBOY HAT" HAHhahahahha. Here's a good one too: "highway 1...snakes up california right along the coast". Excellent wordage: A+++

But come on, was this necessary? "...breathe (or breath, as mare likes to say)"!? I totally taught my kids the difference between those spellings TODAY! And I brought in a certain alumni bball shirt that stupidly has that mistake!

And I can't believe you still don't understand that there really is a Justinabambina person...

So Matt, I totally hear you on the "without close fellowship" out west syndrome. Oh my! Going back to Ohio this, that gets you. Remembering the fellowship, the joy of people who just flat out "KNOW YOU, for yourself".

Ugh, I'm getting tired (yet somewhat still a little refreshed) about antinomy (sp?==annoymous? existence is what I mean)

So today, I just flat out had fun in my classes. Almost like each class is my own episode of "Conan O'Brian".

Man that guy is hilarious. So that's how I make it thru the day. Pretending I'm in a hilarious, fulfilling, exciting DREAM DAY of WORK!

Oooooh, how I'd love to go on a "Land Rover" extreme adventure outing, or some outdoor challenge. How many moronic shows and people can there be on tv doing retarded representations of fun.

No way to those dummies. I want to make my own "ropes course" and have companies come out and learn "teamwork" on that ropes course.

Also, have a paint gun war zone where all my bros and family can put winter gear and paint gun garb on for an ultimate capture the flag. In our "outside of Anchorage" country home property that is!

Then Casey, Mom, & Tracey (who are all skilled in gourmet and other good food) make us a meal to celebrate the day together. To celebrate the Lord's love.

Oh...the imagination....
To end this one: "...and (I) stole 7 pieces of cheese from the fridge (Sorry, mom).

p.s. we just got our columbia house DVD's. Man in The Iron Mask, Time Machine, Superstar, 2 weeks notice, Swiss Family Robinson, Gladiator, & Monte Cristo. Anybody want to join the Columbia club: 5 (good) DVD's for 40 bucks, and we get 2 more of our own for 49 cents.

I know cheesy huh :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Please DO TELL me why it took so long to get into "The Cardigans" MUSIC!?

Yeah, yeah, we've all heard random tidbits of weirdness from them ---"Lovefool" on soundtracks and etc perhaps...from 1995 or something.

BUT WOW! I especially believe Tracey would really like 'em----even though maybe she already was back in the day?

Download, "You're The Storm" tonight!

Dad might enjoy, and actually Justin or anyone who appreciated Aimee Mann (but better) or more like a sixpence (although no comparison there).

So matt's pics were fun! I'm going to use that link for pictures since you recommend like so.

I'm about to watch Justin's movie, later all!

Monday, September 01, 2003

I recently read this interview with Leigh Nash; some highlights follow:

Leigh: "I am a big fat Christian and do not care who knows that. When it comes to our music we'd just like it to be taken for it's musical value and not lobbed onto a big bandwagon."

Leigh: "(My) All time favorite Sixpence song is 'Tension is a Passing Note'."


And isn't this comment SO THE TRUTH!: "For a while there I was beginning to think you had to be a stripper to get people to buy your records."

Here's the full interview website:

WOW!...just read dad's letter online and that was crazy!

I never knew someone else had those kinds of things too. It's the most amazing thing when the Lord speaks to you, don't cha know.

So dad, that was inspiring, and I copy/pasted some of it to hang up by my desk at school. Inconspicuously of course, b/c that's illegal.

Today I worked a few hours on school stuff. Just getting ahead. But I just remembered what mom & dad said those first Evergreen days:

"It doesn't matter how much they learn, or how much you get done in class. Just have fun and do your best!".

SO TRUE! I don't have a boss hovering over me, I don't have the pressure of anyone but myself (and somewhat the kids). So, I've been letting go a lot of stress that I allow in.

Ahhhhh. Have a great week everyone. Especially you dad! This week of your birthday! And thanks for the wisdom that I've gotten from you & mom of late!