Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Ah, another New Year's with a yawn!

It's best to just sit at home, good food in the stomach, sleepy around 10 p.m. then oh is it midnight?... and...then



Casey and I were laughing so much that they actually played all normal shows tonight and not an ounce of live New York shots (except CNN). Then they replay it all like it's brand new live for us at midnight!

So pointlessly weird!

Anyways, it was really nice to have all this down time the past week and 1/2. Would be nicer if it was summer though, as I mentioned before!

But then again I wouldn't be typing this if it was summer, I'D BE LIVING IT UP TRAVELLING, camping, just living life outside the Chow house. ----slow, boring entry here! but Happy New Year anyways!

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Continuing with the James Bond Marathon, it is a relaxing evening seeing 2 days more off without bball.

We lost tonight :( Just sloppy zombie kids roboting around the court.

A little busyness going on the past two days! STILL NOT DONE organizing the rooms and closets. Kind of annoying! ARGH!

Today we got a fun little package from 1040! Last Action Hero and Lassie! Whatta combo of DVD bliss. Speaking of, we bought 3 more DVD's from Blockbuster again---too fun, too fun.

Kim! How old is your dog? Just wondering, and just looking forward to being gone from our doggie w/out accidents or even out of the cage? Whoa, Bailey was in the house and that good? Excellent.

Down time the rest of the week. Oh except for coaching 2 more games and then rolling into...WHAT!? No I will not say what that "M" day brings us back to!

Halfway done with the year though, and the spring FLYS BYE BYE! Then it's onto summer and major travelling! WOO!

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Good morning to you all!

It's Sunday I think (?) and I just ordered some stuff from Tower, while elsewhen Casey ordered the ENTIRE CABELA'S STORE!

Will send pics to fam that sponsored the spending! THANKS!

Dad, I love your new "vintage" robot blog pic. I just caught in your intro where it says the first person to mention it gets a surprise!??!

Has anyone else mentioned it yet?

Hopefully not, b/c most of you are on a nice vaca and have other fun things to do besides blogg-o :)

Still 8 days of vaca left! WOOOO!! Really cool!

Our teacher friends (a newlywed couple our age) invited us to go to the coast for New Year's!

I really want to, but Bo can't go to the coast for another 2 months, plus I have to coach the 30th, 2nd, and 3rd this week.

We'll see...can't get my hopes up.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Had my first official Bo mom night. Being a dog mom that is.

Casey has been the one staying up all the time letting Bo out for potty in the middle of the night (4 TIMES!).

Casey has enjoyed doing that, but it has taken its toll and now Case needs to recover :)

Anyways, so I've been sleeping till noon or 1 or whatever happens and that entails, 2-3 a.m. regular bed time!

OUT OF CONTROL FOR AN 8 A.M. practice today! WHOA! The only good time for the packed scheduled use of the gym.

I'm happy I got up like a normal so I can do a lot more today----until I crash.

Last night I watched The Italian Job (w/Case), then by the self I watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 days (neat enough to follow a story), and then Legally Blonde 2 (silly enough for me I guess).

NOW! Off to spend a Tower gift cert. and a certain Gap gift cert! Thank you fam!

Friday, December 26, 2003

I'm up late here at the "5O"O-range (no policia noticia intendido)!

[Translated from Spanish into Eng: It's my new description of my 500 Orange Ave address! (No Police Summoning Intended).

---Pronounced: "5-O" like a cop, and "Orange" like normal fruit. You like?!]

Lotsa brewing in the creativity dept. tonight. Very excited!

Must keep rolling with these ideas.

Yet for now, onto tomorrow after major sleep-inage!

Anyone going to brave the day after Christmas shopping...prob. not wise...I myself might do it anywho :)

Thursday, December 25, 2003

We are settling into our early awakence from this Christmas morning. Half naps earlier, and phone calls all made.

It was a good little morning togeth with Bo and sleepily opening gifts. I'd say the highlight of my gifts from Casey was some snowboarding (coat/gloves) gear, but there was some PRET-ty sweet scrapbooking supplies.

Will finish organizing the back room and prioritize scrapbooking projects.

Don't we all just love how blogs become lists of things we've done, or are going to do.

I like that though. It's like I living close (proximity) to people when they share every day things!

Anyways, now we are about to clean up the house, get some ham snackies and watch one of our new movies.

Buy 2 get one free @ Blockbuster. Slim pickings today, but we ended up getting Dare Devil, Confidence, and Two Towers LOTR.

Might go back and buy some random other ones that are not epics but entertaining enough: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (a girl flick, sure), Anger Management, Italian Job, wherever the point of this list is going...

Happy rest of the beautiful day of Jesus' birth to you all! :)

P.s. I've been writing! IT'S SO FUN! ---not journaling, WRITING! WOO!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Justin, finally read your Santa story!


Right this minute, I am relaxing, STUFFED with ham and many fixings, and proceeding to read "Wigfield" --authored by Amy Sedaris y 2 other dudes.

Will talk to you all - a la tele shortly!

"a simple red cap with a white ball on top, emblazoned on the flag." --says a chicken face on the foot of a little bird.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Ah, time alone :)

I watched Bo all day as Casey was at the high school shop/garage putting some spray on bedliner in this truck bed.

Bo was quite rebellious today, but thinks he knows the trick of coming up being all lovey and actually hugging me with two paws around me as I sit on the couch.

HUMANS RULE! (p.s. on a positive he cutely barked at an annoying cartoon today like it was the enemy. Then sat right in front of the screen analyzing the cartoons with his head tilted----very picturesque. Dogs are weird. It was cute:).

Some bitterness reigns in there, but I am glad we have him. I only wish we had 10 acres in Anchorage where he could run around and get rabbits or birds, or bears.

Then he'll be all tired and rest on our beautiful front porch as Casey and I sit on the porch swing.

Can we detect my romantizing of Alaska of late?

I've been trying to write 1500 (3 pages +) of just whatever I want every day.

How do you become a better reader? Read. How do you become a better writer? Write (and read :).


TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE> ! And I feel like it is. I feel good about the season this year. Just adultilly relaxed and calm. Enjoying Casey and Bo and our Christmas in Chow.

JENNY MAVIS IF YOU'RE READING THIS! NO! NO! NO! You are no longer permitted to read this unless you have a blog. It'll take you a grand total of 2.5 minutes to set one up!

Then another 45 seconds to email me with the web address.

Thanks for the card and ornament! Truly, truly "Friends through all seasons!"

And that's like our 15th or so card! Exciting! Fun to receive so many! ----Merry CHRIST Eve tomorrow fellow bloggers!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Nerd alert!

I have taken a couple days now just reorganizing our closet, and our two back rooms.

LOVE IT! (and have a whole trash bag + two large bins of stuff to sell/throw out!)

Hope M & T had a wonderful trip and are loving it in the chilliness (hopefully you'll see snow)----watch the sledding injuries though!

That was so fun last year, sledding and all, we all have to admit! (injuries aside).

Just slopped in my newest Christmas mix. A little Ella Fitzgerald and Perry Como, doesn't get any more classic than that.

I can't wait till we have a cabin in the Alaskan mts. so that I can sip hot chocolate at our "sit-in" bay window watching the snow slink down oh so delicately!

For now, we have overcast, rain, and fog season on the brim like normal end of Dec.

It's end of December 2003!? OH MY!

Well, I am rambling, just enjoying all this free time. Missing you all :)

p.s. dad I saw the rhino shirts at The Buckle online. WHOA! Expensive but very cool.

p.s.s. Matt and T don't forget you'll be receiving gifts a la January for Christmas/birthday spill overs :)

There was a 6.5 earthquake directly west of us on the coast. A little south too.

I had just woken up and Casey comes running back saying, "Did you feel the earthquake?".

About 2 minutes before I had heard Bocifus's "door" bells (that he rings for potty time) and thought nothing of it.

But Case said that was not Bo shaking the bells.

How weird! Too bad I didn't feel it.

Casey was laying on the couch and felt his body swaying back and forth for only 5-10 seconds.

Sure enough, CNN is covering it all day. Saying the same things over and over. No building damage so that's good.

Mike I hope you are well soon! After a semester ends, it's the #1 time for people, especially students, to get sick.

Your body and mind hold out on the adrenaline and stress factors. Then it lets it's guard down to rest. Let you body rest then :) Hopefully without the bad feelings though.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

"(Come on fog!) I didn't get this job to go to work everyday!" --quote from Tracey while working at Wauseon a couple years back!

(I found it in one of my "funny book" listings.)

Good Year in Review Mateo! Mine is half done. Like Matt I am browsing the jibberish from my year's blog.

Well, I'm purging tonight again. Not literally, come on now. Purging unnecessary belongings.

The trick is to not buy any more pointless junk, but still I have some dumb clothing items and elsewhat's.

To credit: Mission organization. Clean Sweep.

Pajamas + remote = inspiration.

Last note: wanting to write a book, I am. Brainstorming many, many ideas. We'll see!

Only ran 2 laps today.


So wow, I ran 8 miles today. After one lap, I stopped, refueled with water and stretching, then headed back out to the foggy country roads.

Sounds dangerous, but it wasn't. I ran way inland of the road sides.

When I got back from my second 1/2 of the run, Bo was in his cage and Casey left a note saying, "I'll be back in an hour or 2, I went to the foothills with Ron Seals".

Ron is our principal and I'm sure they went to do some quail spotting and semi-hunting bla blas. That was new and exciting to get a message like that---unplanned :)

So, Bo was being bad sprinting around again, and not letting me take one step without biting at my pants or slippers.

Needless to say he got the message b/c he is silently just laying in his cage! HUMANS ARE THE BOSS BOCIFUS!

Well, I will start on my Year in Review now that I have shown the dog who's in charge and can focus! HA!

Hope some presents I ordered for Casey come tomorrow :) Happy lofty, pre-Christmas feeling to you all!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Posted my game highlights finally dad.

It's been getting to 45 or even 35 at night, therefore causing window scrapping and car warming up in the mornings!


Speaking of snow! I hope to go snowboarding in the next couple holiday weeks, or the few weeks early in Jan.

Tomorrow is the 2nd most blow off day of the school year. Next to June 1st (last day of school)!

Will coast by.

Our tournament this week got cancelled, but we have one right around the new year before school's back in.

ELLA Sonnenberg is getting married in Feb. I want to go to this Ann Arbor wedding....maybe spur of the moment could work out.

And good for her! Her husband's name is Justin. Justin, did you know there were other Justin's?

On a last note: If I get one more ornament from a student or co-worker, I think I will have to roll around on the floor in a hilari-ful shock spin!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

We won last night, kind of long slow game, but we were at home and that was good to play well.

Today is a half day of semester exams! The kiddies are done now and we're just waiting to head to the next exam (only 3 today).

No practice today, and no game till right after the new year! WOOO!

Today after school we'll had to Merced for the Vet and Bocifus' shots and whatnots.

1040 watch the mail!

Kim your National Lampoon's moment===series of moments was crazy!

And yeah on the puppy, he's a handful, but such a softy cutie! MUST GET PICS UP, INTERNET/SCANNER NOT COOPERATING!

Sunday, December 14, 2003


Today was good. Raining all morning, ahh, that's refreshing!

Bocifus had a wild night of "never calm down" syndrome.

So it was an early awakening for me to take care of him. Casey got sick last night, must have been food poisoning b/c he is fine now.

I ran 4 miles. Made my final exam. Then registered for my 1/2 marathon! YES!

I'm about to spend a Cabela's gift certificate, while I watch a silly Christmas movie with Jenny Garth (you know, the blondie from 90210).

On a good, good note, we took Bo for a walk to the school and ran him around everywhere throughout the day. He has been konked out like a little cutie.

He had to sit down to drink some water he was so groggy a few minutes ago.

Still pic probs, but there's some from the breeder's website on my pic page now :)

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Bocifus is being a brat tonight. Just not settling down, and won't let us sleep back in our room----well Casey has had to sleep on the couch near him (Bo's in the kitchen in his cage).

His bark is quite birdy. I wasn't aware he liked birds so much. Whatta dork! It's fun to make fun of the softy.

Tried to upload some pics, but is way too slow. Will try tomorrow. If it doesn't work tomorrow, I'll email you----my fam!

Played a horribly sloppy game this morning and lost. Then we beat a team in our league by 30 or something.

It was a fun 2 days of bball. I'm tired and slept today from 2 to 9 :) Yes!

Tomorrow, I get to watch the dog child while Casey works his head off at school----lotsa IEP paperwork for the poor guy.

Exams this week! I have a conference Tuesday and our first game Tuesday night! Looking forward to no school, and lotsa running.

Must run tomorrow. Long slow mileage. :)

Friday, December 12, 2003

Hello my fam and friends!

A good day! Looking forward a cake exam week next week, and Christmas break with nothing but whatever we want to do for the holidays! Woooo!

Bocifus is the cutest of the cuties! Tonight we gave him a bath and he was shivering out of control but being so good.

He is a very obediant dog and listens so well. Plus, Casey is a very good discipliner. I myself am quick to mimic Casey's dog knowledged disciplining, however also a tad bit timid at the handlings of such a cutie.

I don't want to hurt him when I grab his snout for a stern "NO!". He does not bite, except slight nibble in love.

He loves, absolutely LOVES being pet, and sits there calmly and lengthily just receiving love. He looks at us very sweetly, and "kindly" to use the words of some of our colleagues.

"A very kind face", "not all dogs have such kind faces", "he's a sweetie".

So I'm feeling blessed to have such a creation of God to share life with. Can't wait till he likes his leash more and we can trust him at a parks and such for games of fetch.

Well, it is a late night. We won 1 out 2 games tonight........and guess what time our game is tomorrow?!?!!


IN THE MORNING PEOPLE! OH MY! We leave at 7:15. *check my chowgirls page for details of our 2 games tonight--------->Happy weekend to you all!

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Oh dad! I forgot to tell you, I GOT MY MILWAUKEE SHIRT FINALLY :)

Thanks, love it! PICTURES COME ON! Too busy and too chatty on phone & shopping online tonight.

This weekend is the goal for pics of Bocifus' cutie face and furry fur!

There's my basketball link there on the side ;)

Will be updating it all day today.


He's a cute one, so seriously out of controlley!

He was real tired from the plane ride, and was silent on the way home.

After coaxing him out of his cage for a few minutes he wouldn't come out----smelling EVERYWHERE AND EVERYTHING he could, from his cage that is.

Then once Casey got up and walked to the sink, Bocifus started crawling out oh so cutely in search of where his master went.

More to come! :) I'm starting a bball blog and will link it from my blog, but not link my blog to it! HA HA!

Know what I mean--? No kiddies accessing our personal lives you see :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Kim Miles: "The Blogger".

Excellent to be in touch with such an old pal!

We're headed to Fresno's Tahoe Joe's! Mmmmmmm....!!

Then apparently a dog will officially be entering our world at 10:48 via airplane time.


Awesome to talk lengthly with the 1040. checkya

Tuesday, December 09, 2003



So cool. No cool is not a good word for it.

Sooooo...........praise the Lord. I am going to email you now about your blog.

Dad, I will email you about my game's details now.

Right now. ught. Lord you are too good. Bless Justin's dream unto Your Holy Name.

So, my team is all sick or has spained ankles. So Coach V (ass. coach--assistant come on now :) and I had to play too. LOVE IT!

Gotta get my face up in the morning or I won't be qualified to run with Tracey on Jan. 18.

Dad you were the best baseball player on that field in S.D. We were all just lolly gagging around. You, no you were sharp. For real.

Man, just to think of my brother Mike going late at night to play a grand piano b/c he loves it. B/c he creates beautiful music?

Oh my good Lord, may we all bless You as deeply with our gifts as my siblings and parents do so already!

........oh the thoughts today.......I will write letters tonight. Real letters. And emails. good bye blog.

Oh, and Waaaaaatch out blog world....there's rumor of a yesac blog?! OH MY!???!

Dad we won, it was ugly, some bad, but some good.

We got home at 10:45 b/c it was in the mts., we watched varsity, and I had to wait for parents.

Will tell more after practice today :)

Does anyone want a red hooded sweatshirt with a big arrowhead on it and a "C" for chowchilla, or a tee shirt?

Let me know and I will order one for you this week (with my team's order) :)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

I remember when mom and dad would always bring gifts to my DC games.

It started with a "pig" Ty baby stuffed animal (bought at crackle barrel, I believe), with many, many cool things in between, I was thinking of those purple Old Navy gloves and winter hat (before Old Navy got too popular that is).

And then it all ended with an emo banquet and an amazingly beautiful #10 necklace.

Been wearing that a lot, but recently my mop head 'o hair got tangled in the clasp and broke--gotta replace that soon.

Just reminiscing here :) PUMPED FOR MY GAME TOMORROW!

Casey and I made a dog blanket (4x5 in size), a dog mat (really a little blanket, 2x2), and a small dog pillow (3x2).

All with totally fun cabin or outdoors flannel super on sale at a going out of business Joann's store.

Is it really Sunday night?

It was a great weekend. I went shopping all day Saturday and all day today, by myself so I could shop for that guy.

Casey tried to "line" his truck bed but the weather and other things didn't cooperate.

Wednesday night at 11 p.m. is the still tenative date for Bocifus to join our home. We are ready. Casey is super excited and stressed waiting to hear from the "not too good correspondence abilities" lady who owns Bocifus right now.

4 miles today. I was running and running all around the fair grounds and to Save Mart thinking it was a long good run. But then I drove it and it was only 4 barely.

So we are suppose to be running 6 or even 8 by now. Okay, 6 weeks left till the 1/2 marathon! WHOA!

1040 will receive a package sometime this week or next week. You can open the brown blob, but not the individual gifts inside :)

Happy rest of the Sunday to yous!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

I've been going shopping crazy online tonight! WHOA!

What would gramps want?

I have Matt's & Tracey's bday prez's all set (won't receive till early Jan. :), Mom, you're present will be on it's way next week. Don't open till Christmas.

J, Mike, and Dad TBA (to be announced). Praise the Lord! The Reason for the season!

I can't wait for "The Passion" movie! Celebrate, celebrate, Jesus (dance to the music)


Yah! Kim Conaway (Kimberly Miles that is) now has a blog! That is so fun and cool!

And I'm looking forward to reading her updates :)

Today I shopped up a storm in Fresno, and did not get back before dark. So no cross training for moi :(

Tomorrow I have to return something (DUH!) that I thought I had bought correctly (for Casey) BUT NO!

After that, Trace and I are scheduled for a 6-8 miler. OH MY! I hope it rains b/c I love running in it. And coldness. Very likeable for me.

Mom! Beautiful quilt!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

J: I like the half Justin head, 3/4's and so on for your movie reviews.

Okay, so we didn't do "The Night Before Christmas" over Thanksgiving.....


I told that story to my class (did I tell the fam this over Thanks?). And immediately a student raised her hand and wanted to share her "Christmas" story.

Sounded normal, good then I realized she was telling my exact story only her mom reads the story and when they say the word "THE" they pass presents.

It was hilarious and she is now failing English.

Has my dad taken out the breathtaking 20 years younger mom wearing her new cool black ensemble yet? Is that what black heels are for?

Mom you are beautiful :)

DAD! WAY TO GO ON ENGLAND! So awesome to stay in "Joy's" room.

We ordered pizza! bye

We'll get "IO" or a.k.a. "Bocifus" tomorrow or Wednesday. THAT'S OUR PUPPY, in case you didn't recognize the such.

Look at 'em online AGAIN! He's quite cute :)

Tomorrow is Fri. YES!

That's really all I short, so sorry!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

So, this is work :)

Feeling refreshed from time away, and even more refreshed with Christmas break so, so close.

Basketball is overwhelming b/c we have a lot to work on, with a FIRST game next Monday.

At least now I finally got the offense settled (and changed--b/c they could not get the other one).

Pilates yesterday, and today...4 miles...when can I get that in when it's pitch dark by the end of prac?

Mornings Lord? Oooo...mornings might have to be employed.

Monday, December 01, 2003

5 minutes until the kiddies are here. I'm drinking some vegetable broth (while getting more serious about running and diet mindedness).'s a chilly drizzly morning here, like back east. But it refreshes Casey and I. Even the leaves are orange and yellow :)

I get observed this week by our assistant principal. Easy, and yet annoying.

Just found out I'm going to a "conference" the day before exams. So that's right! THAT DAY WON'T COUNT IN THE CHRISTMAS BREAK COUNT DOWN!

11 and a 1/2 school days until Christmas (break)!!!!!!

24 days till the actual celebration of the Lord Jesus! YAY!!